Final Introductory: The Memories of a Madman

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Zoey let out a small yelp. She remembered Dave suddenly changing color, hanging her up in the air like a schoolyard bully by her collar. Then, suddenly, Psyko's straitjacket began to unstrap from the back, and they turned to limbs. Strangely, it seemed there were still a few quintillion of the straps left around his body. In almost an instant Psyko took of his mask then... then...

Well, she really didn't know. In fact, this whole ordeal was probably melting her brain, making her know only less things.

Observing her surroundings, Zoey saw a weird door. It was painted black, with a white doorknob and orange trimmings. That was all she saw. Everything else was almost an endless void of swirling purple, blue, and green, like what an elderly man would see if he ate wild mushrooms while reading a Dr. Seuss book but also ate a banana. Cautiously, she took small steps closer towards the door.

Well... what could go wrong? It was just a door, right?

Placing her hand on the white knob, a shiver passed through her body. Suddenly she felt relaxed, almost calm, for one of the first times in her entire life. That was... unexpected. She wouldn't have been surprised if the door had exploded, or if the door tried to eat her, or maybe a terrifying dragon man that was locked up for 1,000 eons appeared and ordered her to answer three riddles. Instead, she felt calm. Gently Zoey turned the knob 180° and pushed the door inwards. Behind the now revealed frame, she saw a strange world, off into the distance.

The surface of the world was a damp gray - almost lavender - color, scattered about with strange paths... roads, perhaps? Zoey didn't know what to call them. The air had the smell of an ocean breeze, and the humidity seemed quite damp, yet was also quite cool. Typically something like this would be wet and warm, but instead, it was quite cold. Nothing extremely cold, but definitely not warm, and definitely not Earth, she had decided. What really sold the deal, though, were the houses. Each and every one of them was a strange hodgepodge of utter randomness, twisted and deformed, like crazy sculptures out of a modern art show, or something from an animated indie music video. Many flew very gently and slowly across the sky, but many flew rather low. In comparison; if you were walking down the one of those strange roads, and a house floated near you, the closest may be about 10 feet above you. Fortunately, not all of them were floating buildings. Many of them sat by the roads as well... of course, they looked strange as well.

Most of them resembled your regular, run-of-the-mill houses. Others, however, resembled... things. Some were reasonable or even interesting, like clocktowers, fortresses, turrets, and even one that resembled a giant bird flying through the air. Although... some like the block of cheese or the shoe were just questionable.

...modern art, maybe?

One that caught her eye especially, though, was a floating tower. It seemed to be many, many miles off the ground, reaching up to the sky - which, by the way, was tinted red. The tower was a dark gray color, with a strange cone-shaped, scarlet-colored and tiled. The tower itself was connected to a small, box-like house-building-thing. The box was a good size, about that of a McDonald's - which, by the way, she saw floating versions of those as well - with a tower reaching from the side of it, going up about a good 30 feet or so high. Around the box-like structure, surrounding it, looked as if a large patch of ground was attached to the bottom of it... kind of like perhaps the building itself was once attached to the ground and ripped itself free. The tower appeared to be made of some sort of metal... kinda like iron, though maybe something different. Did this place have iron? This strange, lavender-ground colored, red-sky tinted, floating-house covered place?

Well, they did have a bunch of floating McDonald's... but to be fair, they were everywhere. Apparently even on alien planets.

Slowly, cautiously, she took a step through the door. Yet not even that saved her, it seemed. It was unknown how she didn't see it, but the door was floating in midair. And she took a step out of it... so, that was not a good thing. Bracing herself for the fall that she was sure to come, she was surprised to see when it never came. What surprised her further was seeing that she was walking on air. But, of course, what shocked her even more was not when she looked down to see her standing on solid air, but when she looked down to see herself, shock passed through her like a fat man who was told that electricity was candy. She took a step, again, and realized she was floating. She focused on her steps, and realized that she could change her elevation surprisingly easily. She would move herself higher into the air, or lower to the ground. She smiled a bit... it was weird, but it wasn't bad. She quite enjoyed the strange feeling of what was almost comparable to flight.

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