6 May, Tuesday

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I was dreading school today. Mainly because I would have to face Brandon, and maybe he's going to kiss MacKenzie in front of the whole school or whatever. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke! :( !

In bio, Miss Kincaid, our bio teacher, was running late. I was in class, taking out my stuff, when Brandon walked in. I really wanted to just make a quick exit or either grab a book to hide my face.

"Hey Nikki!" he said all cheerfully, "I was gonna ask you - "

"I left early because...um...I had to...fetch Brianna from ballet class," I lied.

"Oh, I see," Brandon said, "Anyway, I was hoping you would - "

Just then, the relief teacher walked in.

"Alright, settle down," she said, "I'm sure your bio teacher gave you some work to do?"

So for the entire hour, I was reading the textbook, as if I was so into it (when I really WASN'T). And Brandon seemed to know I was down or something.

The next thing I knew was I got tapped on the arm.

I turned and faced Brandon and he passed me a note.

I opened it and here is what it said:

Hi Nikki,

I wanted to ask you if MacKenzie said anything when she passed you the stuff she wanted to pass to me.

I was like, "Dude! Can't you ask MacKenzie yourself since you're her boyfriend?!"

But I said it inside my head, so no one heard it but me.

I scribbled "No" and passed it back to Brandon.

He opened up the note, read it, and folded it back and just calmly IGNORED me.

I wasn't the least bit surprised.

I mean, he and MacKenzie are dating already. And I was the third party. And MacKenzie probably texted him or wrote him a note with a bunch of malicious lies about me, like, "Nikki's a hopelessly insecure, socially-challenged, diary-obsessed DORK!" And that ISN'T true. Okay, maybe a little. Fine! A LOT true. But still!

Why can Brandon be friends with a manipulating drama queen like her?! And those are her BEST qualities!

Seriously! Right now I'm so OVER Brandon! I won't CARE if he dies of a heart attack or something!

A/N: Yay update! Sorry if I got too carried away updating my DB fanfic! :P !

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