9 May, Friday

911 18 8

So where was I...? (Tapping chin and thinking...)

Okay, so Brianna and I were at Fuzzy Friends.

"Brianna, don't try strangling or doing anything harmful to the dogs, okay?" I reminded her.

Mainly because if she accidentally kills one of those dogs, I'm DEAD MEAT!

I could already see it. I'm sitting in prison with those striped black and white criminal clothes, behind bars. All because Brianna killed a dog!

"Sure I won't!" Brianna answered with a huge grin, "I got lots of practice taking care of Rover, remember?"

Right, right. She had lots of practice KILLING poor Rover!

After that incident, Mom was paranoid of getting Brianna a real-live animal as a pet for now.

I unlocked all the cages of the dogs and let them out.

"Hello doggies! Who wants to play!" Brianna squealed in excitement as the dogs jumped around her, wagging their tails furiously.

"Here," I said and handed Brianna a frisbee, "Throw it, and let 'em catch it."

"Catch!" Brianna yelled.

With one throw, Brianna sent the frisbee flying and the dogs running that they nearly knocked me over to catch the flying object.

Remind me to never hand Brianna a frisbee to play with dogs ever again. Who knows? I might become a squished pancake next time. Footprint-Covered Nikki, coming to McDonald's near you.

After a few throws, Brianna got tired and it was time for the dogs' bath. I instructed Brianna to haul the dogs up as I retrieved the huge tub from the store to clean the dogs up.

After I dragged that heavy thing outside, I filled it with water from the hose, then added some soap.

One by one, Brianna and I cleaned the dogs up. Then those devillic munchkins decided to splash soapy water all over us.

In the end, us girls and the dogs ended up having a soapy war, getting soapy water over us and them.

I've got to say, today was pretty fun though it was quite exhausting! And the dogs seemed to like Brianna too!

Maybe I should bring Brianna over more often. Well, part of it is because we can earn more money together (even though Brianna wants to save her share to buy a nonexistent unicorn).

:) !

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating for quite a while! If some of you guys follow me, you would have known I left the DD fandom quite some time ago, and I'm now basically anime trash. I'm kind of losing motivation and inspiration for this story, that's why I didn't update much. So I guess this would be my last DD fanfic (if I even complete this). I'll try to complete it but be prepared for irregular updates (like updates every few months). I'm sorry, and have a great day ahead! ^3^

Dork Diaries 10: Tales From A NOT-SO-Perfect Pet SitterWhere stories live. Discover now