iii. Sex, Drugs and Alcohol

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♫ Inspired by Carmen and This Is What Makes Us Girls ♫

Prettiest in the crowd

Turning heads whenever she walked around

Boys were calling her hot, hot, hot

They couldn’t get enough of her

Girls whispering

Jealousy spewing them on

Stay in school they told her

Stay in school I said

Your life is done by 21

Where are all your friends?

She starts to cry

Mascara running from her eyes

This is what makes us girls

Once you’re down under

No going back

Better to go into the heights now

While you still gotta shot

Don’t go down that path

Don’t follow those bad boys

It’s not all worth it

Tell them to keep their hands to themselves

You know the end was near

She just wanted it all to go away

Nothing could help her

Tried to save her

But she was running from the police

Screaming ‘come and get me while I’m hot’

They took her away

She was the only friend I ever had

Crying she was because she was never coming back

That was the last time I saw

Everyone has their own story to tell

Sex drugs alcohol prone

Everything above yes she was

‘you need help’ I told her

‘help me fight the addiction’

Sniffing, snorting, injecting

After 18 she lost it

Her only friend was in the bottle

Dried up, she tried to salvage what was left

Cheering her own

I gave her hope

But no

Vodka had a hold on her

 All that’s left her are memories of a saddened girl

All her life she was nothing

But she was something

Something to me


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