Lix. Ride

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♫ Inspired by Ride       

You're out of fuel and you're falling through

falling through pretty hard

your pretty brown bambi eyes struggling hard not to cry

is there an ache in your heart baby?

do you not have any idea how deep my love runs for you?

the feeling is mutual

gazing beneath the brooklyn night sky

counting the falling stars hoping to be one of them

maybe I'm too busy being someone else's

how many secrets shall I keep?

how many times shall  I tell you that  I love?

I'll keep whistling this tune just for you

why don't you sing it with me?

until we both fall asleep keep singing it with me tonight

let's do and say the things that we don't normally do or say

S U N D O W N (Lana Del Rey Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now