She is the Alpha of an all Girl Wolfpack (Chapter 12)

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Hey guys sorry this took so long to update I was in a stump. I couldn’t think but remember comment vote and FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I woke up and I start freaking out as I see Adam next to me. How did I get here? Then all the events of last night come back. Why did I jump to conclusions, I mean when have I ever cared about this I mean, I know he’s my mate. Be there’s a part of me that wants to find this bi*ch and rip her head off. I look for my phone and check it. 160 messages, almost 500 calls. I look at the time and see its 1:30. Crap. I gently tap Adam.  He pulls me to him like a teddy bear.

“Adam.” I whisper. No response. “Adam.” I say in my normal voice. No response.“Adam!” I yell. No response. “ADAM GET THE HELL UP!!!” I scream in his hear. No response. I think for a moment. I am so evil. I manage to get my arm free. Then I pull back and hit him right in the family jewels.

“WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He says as he let’s go and starts crying. I take out my phone and take a picture.

“That’s for at the party!” I say. His response with a groan. “Oh thanks for letting me stay the night jerk, see ya!” I say as I walk out the apartment. I head down the elevator and out to the streets. I take out my phone and call Alec.

“Hello?” he says.

“Hay little bro!”

“HAY! That’s all you got to say!” I giggled. “Why are you giggling?”

“You rhymed hay with say!!!! I hear voices in the back round who is it?”

“Everyone we’ve been walking around for 3 hours trying to find you. Go to the end of the street and look at the sign and tell me so I know where you are.”

“Ok.” I skip to the end of the street. “Fifth Street.”

“Okay stay there, be there in a second.” I said ok then he hung up.  

~25 minutes later~

I saw them walking down the street. I saw Luke. He locked gazes. He face looked sorry I saw his eyes and they were red. I didn’t want to talk to him. So I turned around and ran. I could hear everyone telling me to stop. But I didn’t I kept going. Finally I was out of breath, and I stopped. I heard footsteps behind me, I turn around and there is Luke running to me. I stay still this time.

“Jenn please let me explain.” He says as he comes up to me.

“You got 2 minutes. Go”

“Okay so I went to use the bathroom and I ran into and ex-girlfriend. She is oppressed with me, she even has a fan club of me. So when she saw me she came up to me and said she’s gonna kiss me (or she will send a picture that she took when we were together to you) so I said sure. I meant a little peck but she forced me back into a wall. I didn’t kiss her back. I’m with you, I would never cheat.” I looked at him after he was done. He looked completely sorry. I went to hug him. But I heard something fling past me. I looked down at a bullet. Alec came running towards me.

“There here, they found us.” He said to Luke.

“No they can’t be. I thought we lost them we got off the plane.”

“Nope.” He said popping the p.

“Let’s get out of here and go back to the hotel.” He nods his head.

~Back at the hotel~

“Will you tell me what’s going on?” I asked Alec. We were sitting in his room; he was pacing back and forth. Luke went to go get everyone else.

“Okay I have news.”


“Were gonna have to make one big wolf pack.” I started at him in shock.

“Why on earth do we need to do that?”

“Wolf hunters are after us.” I looked at and then burst out laughing.

“You expect me to believe that.” I stopped laughing when he looked at me with his face, it looked emotionless. “Oh you’re serious, shit. What are we gonna do?”

“Fight them.” I started at him. We are gonna have to fight wolf hunters. Just my luck.


“3 months.”


“Where gonna train everyone.” Then an idea popped in to my head.

“Was that your mission, to kill the hunters?”

He didn’t answer. “Alec.”

“Yes.” I shook my head in disappointment. “Why didn’t you tell me we could have helped you!!” I yelled.

“I didn’t need your help.”

“Yes you did!!”

Before we could continue Luke came in with everyone. They all started at me. I told them everything that happened. They all gasped.

“Where going to train everyone.” Alec said.

“But right now where on vacation. Let’s go hit the clubs!!!!!!!!!!!” Luke said. I laughed while everyone cheered. Luke took my hand we went down to go to the club.


Don’t kill me I know it sucked. There is only about maybe 4 chapter left. But there will be a sequel you’ll understand when I write the last chapter. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!

 if i get 10 votes i will upload friday come on you guys want more show me!!!

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