She is the Alpha of an all Girl Wolfpack (Chapter 14)

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Here’s the final chapter I know you guys are mad.



Jenn’s POV:

I turned my neck. Then I heard a big metal ping. I opened my eyes and saw a lady with a crowbar over my Luke’s head. He was laying on the ground knocked out.

“Lady what the hell!!!???”

That’s when she noticed me. She looked at me for a while, then walked over to me.

“Do you know what you where about to do?!!?”

“Um lady he was about to give me a hickey.”

“Sure sure, didn’t look like that. Every werewolf should be careful what they do.”

I just stared at her. How did she know??? Who is she?? “Who are you?”


“How do you know my name?”

“Jenn, I’m your mom.”

“No your not.”

“Yes I am.” she takes out a wallet and pulls out a picture of a girl and boy, on theback of it it says Jenn and Alec.

“No your not!!!!”

“Yes I am, you fur is black and red. So is mine.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’m your mother” With that there was another loud clang, and then my “mother” was laying on the ground. I saw Jessica holding a the metal pipe.

“Jessica what the hell?”

“Sorry I thought she was going to attack you.”

That’s when I heard it. The noise from early, I didn’t want to say anything to anyone because I didn’t want them to worry.

“Jessica your in charge get all the pack out of here not! Go back to North Carolina. Don’t stay here. Don’t ask questions just go.”

“O-o-okay.” With that she walked away. The noise came into the alley. It came up to me and swallowed me.






Jessica’s POV:







I ran into the club. Everyone was scattered out. I had to think of a way to get everyone out. I got it. I ran to a microphone.



Everyone went wild they all rushed to doors. Some jumped out of windows. I ran outside and instantly saw my group waiting for me, they looked pissed.

“What the hell?” they said in unison.

“Something bad has happened. I don’t know what but something has. Jenn just told me to get everyone and head back to North Carolina. Lets go.” We all walked back to the hotel, got our stuff and left.



~4 hours later~



We ran all the way back to NC. When we got there I did a head check. Jenn, Luke, and Alec where missing. Huh that’s weird.



Luke’s POV:





I woke up in a dark cellar chained to the wall. I could hear people a talking. I looked to my left and saw Jenn staring at me.

“Are you ok?” she asked.

“Yeah I’m fine you?”


“Where are we?”

“Well were in the dungeon of my mothers and fathers kingdom.”


“She said; Your in my kingdom.” some voice said.




Jenn’s POV




My “dad” came in and said what I just said to Luke. He unchained us and made us walk to the throne room. When I walked in I saw Alec.

“Oh hey Alec. Wait Alec??????”

“Hi sis.”

“What the hell!!?!??!”

“ENOUGH. I have a mission for you three.


He he I’m evil. I predict the new book will come out in 1-3 weeks. I have to set a plot. I want to thank everyone for reading this and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you my fans!!!!!!!!!!!!

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