Chapter 1: A Wish for Company

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Moving to Madison, Delaware, wasn't easy for you. It had been months since you and Zach arrived in the small town, leaving behind your old life, your friends, and the familiarity of your home. While Zach had struggled at first, things started to change when he met Hannah Stine, the girl next door. Soon after, they became inseparable. Their bond grew stronger after the chaotic events involving Hannah's father, the famous author R.L. Stine, and his terrifying creations that came to life.

You still remembered the day when everything went wrong—and right. Creatures from the Goosebumps books came to life, terrorizing the town. The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, the Werewolf of Fever Swamp, and countless others wreaked havoc. But none of them left an impression on you like Slappy, the mischievous ventriloquist dummy. Slappy was different. There was something about him, something you couldn't quite put into words. He wasn't just another monster; he was intelligent, witty, and... fascinating. Even now, long after he had been defeated, his presence lingered in your mind. While the chaos he caused had been frightening, a small part of you had almost missed him when he was gone.

Zach, on the other hand, had adjusted well. With Hannah by his side, he seemed to have found his place in Madison. He had his new girlfriend, new friends, and a sense of belonging. You were happy for him, of course, but that happiness was tinged with loneliness. You hadn't made any close friends since moving here, and with Zach spending all his time with Hannah, you often found yourself alone.

You sighed, closing the book you were pretending to read. The words on the pages blurred together as your mind drifted back to Slappy. His dark humor, his sharp wit... you hated to admit it, but a part of you missed him. He had intrigued you in a way you couldn't explain, and now, without him, there was an emptiness that weighed heavy on your heart.

You knew it was ridiculous. Slappy was gone, and that was a good thing... right? Yet, the thought of him lingered, almost haunting you. It felt silly, even childish, but deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that you needed someone like him. Someone who wouldn't abandon you like everyone else seemed to. Someone who could keep you company, even in the strangest way possible.

Maybe there was someone who could understand. Someone who could help.You stood up abruptly, an idea forming in your mind. R.L. Stine. If anyone could fix this strange feeling you had, it was him. He was the one who created Slappy, after all. Maybe he could create something... or someone... to fill the void. The idea seemed wild, but at that moment, it felt like the only solution.

Without wasting another second, you slipped out of your room and headed next door to the Stine house. You knocked, and after a moment, R.L. Stine opened the door, his usual reserved expression softening into a welcoming smile when he saw you.

"Oh, good evening, Y/n! Come on in."

You stepped inside, the familiar warmth of the Stine home offering a brief comfort as you sat down on the couch. Stine followed and took a seat across from you, looking curious. "What's on your mind?" he asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Stine... I know this might sound a little... strange, but I need your help with something," you began, feeling a bit nervous.

He leaned forward slightly, listening intently. "Go on."

You hesitated, trying to find the right words. "Ever since Zach started dating Hannah, he's been busy all the time. I don't blame him for it, but... I'm lonely. I don't have anyone else here, and I was wondering... could you create a new... friend for me? Someone to talk to, someone to keep me company."

Stine raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by your request. "A new friend, huh? Interesting. You know, when Slappy was around, I couldn't help but notice how you reacted to him. There was something there, wasn't there?"

You froze, taken aback by his observation. You hadn't realized it was so obvious. "Well... yeah," you admitted. "I know it sounds crazy, but I couldn't help but be fascinated by him."

R.L. Stine smiled knowingly. "There's nothing wrong with that. Slappy had a certain... charm, if you could call it that. I understand why you'd feel drawn to him. But don't worry. I think I can help. Perhaps I can whip up a 'friendly playmate' for you—one that won't cause chaos like Slappy did."

Your eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? You'd do that?"

Stine chuckled softly at your enthusiasm. "Of course. I may be known for my scary stories, but I can certainly create something a little more... friendly. Give me some time, and I'll have something ready for you by the week's end."

Unable to contain your excitement, you jumped up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, Stine! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

Stine, clearly surprised by the sudden hug, awkwardly patted your back before you pulled away. "It's no problem, Y/n," he said with a smile. "I'm sure you'll love whatever I come up with."

You thanked him again and left the house, your heart racing with anticipation. As you walked back to your room, you couldn't stop thinking about what—or who—Stine would create for you. Little did you know that whoever he brought to life would become much more than just a playmate.

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