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Bobby the Bunny is calling...
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[Bunny, did you get it?]

"Get what?"

[Oh. It's not there yet?]

"What's not he---

Zarah, you have something here!

Yeah, Mom. I'll get it. Wait, I'll just go downstairs."

[Yeah. That must be it.]

"What is it? Why is--- Oh."

[Did you see it already?]

"A bouquet?"


"Of fries?"


"Oh my gosh."

[Don't you like it?]

"Are you kidding me? Of course I do. Fries are way better than flowers. Thank you, Bobby."

[I'm glad you like it. So, are you ready for our date?]


[Five minutes. I'm on my way. See you, bunny.]

"Okay. See you."

[Don't be too excited, bunny.]

"What? I think it's you who's too excited."

[Well, I'm sorry. Why wouldn't I be when I'm going on a date with the most beautiful girl in my eyes.]

"Shut up. Just come here already."

[Seems like you are, too. See you.]

toot toot toot

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