Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 ~ Current Events

I looked down at the figure in bed next to me. Her eyes were closed, mouth slightly open and her breath even. I think she finally fell asleep. I looked at her face. How anyone could be so beautiful is a mystery to me. She looked so angelic. My little angel. My little drunk angel. I smiled to myself at the thought. Throwing a glance at the clock I saw that it was now indeed 4 in the morning. I had to be up and awake in 2 hours, yet I found it very difficult to leave her side. I stayed where I was, admiring this beauty. This was the only chance I got to do so without anyone knowing.
I moved a bit closer to her, lowering my body into the bed. I was now face to face with her. Looking at her lips I decided that they, like the rest of her, were beautiful. So full and inviting. I placed my hand on her back, gently stroking it. When I felt her move I stopped. She moved her body closer to mine, throwing her own arm around my waist moving as close as she could. When I was sure she was completely asleep I continued stroking her back.

I enjoyed while it lasted. When I checked the time again and saw that I really needed to leave. I untangled myself from her, trying my best not to wake her. She moved from her side to her back. I really hope she didn’t wake up. I took the covers that had fallen from her body and covered her up. I listened carefully to her breathing. It seemed even again.


I berated myself for not addressing her properly. At least she was asleep so she didn’t notice it. I looked at her once more. She looked so inviting. I found myself caressing her cheek. She is going to feel like sh!t in the morning. I will help her through it though. I will be at her side.

I moved my face to hers and took one last look before going to my own room. Those gorgeous lips, still so inviting me to claim them. I decided against it and moved my lips to her forehead.

I stood up and made my way to the door. As I opened it I turned my head to her once more.
I made my mind up and I carefully walked back to her bed. My hand found its way to her cheek again, I lowered my head and as gently as I could I placed my lips on hers. I smiled to myself as I pulled back.

“Sweet dreams, my angel.”

I once again made my way back to the door. This time really leaving her. I gently closed the door behind me and made my way  downstairs. I expected to see the other servants cleaning up after the party. Instead I ran into James, who was turning the lights off.

“His Lordship gave us the rest of the evening off Cheryl. He told us we could clean up in the morning. You may go to bed now.”
“Yes Mr. Thoms.”

I climbed the stairs to my own room. Once there I changed into my night shirt and lay down on my bed. When I was settled my hand moved to my lips. A smile came  to my face as they still tingled from the sensation of feeling Miss Kimberley’s lips.

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