Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 ~ For You I Will

A soft voice whispered into my ear, slowly waking me up from the pleasant dream I was having.

“Kimba….Wake up.” A hand stroke my cheek. “It is time to get up my love. We need to get ready.” I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the moment. I felt her move even closer to me. Her hand had dropped from my face to my waist. She pulled me closer to her as she continued to wake me. Kisses ran from my neck to my ear. “Wake up, my sweet.”

I turned on my back and slowly opened my eyes. Turning my head to face her I saw that she had her elbow propped up and her hand under her head. She was looking at me with a loving look on her face.

“There you are.” She smiled.

“Good morning.”

She leaned in for a kiss. “Good morning.”

I looked around the room. “It is still dark, love.”

“Well that is because the curtains are still closed.”

“Are you sure? It feels like it is early to me.”

“I am but if you don’t believe me I could just go and open them.” As she said this she made way to get out of bed and out of our embrace.

“I believe you.” I quickly said as I wrapped my arms around her just in time. She smiled at me and settled down beside me again. I wrapped myself around her and enjoyed the feeling of her skin on mine.

“This feels nice. I propose we just stay like this all day.”  I heard her chuckle.

“We can’t my sweet.” She gave me another kiss before she started moving out of my embrace. “Come.” She said as she reached for my hand. I sighed and took it. Once out of the bed I reached for her again and hugged her from behind. Placing a gentle kiss behind her ear I whispered; “I love you.” She turned around in my embrace and faced me. A tender smile on her face. “I love you too.” She leaned in and kissed me.


“Here are the last things Miss. You should have everything you need now.” I looked up to see Annette, the new maid who was hired to replace Cheryl.

“Thank you Annette.” I smiled at her as I looked through the food Mrs. Morgan had prepared.

“Do you know if Mrs. Morgan prepared the éclairs I asked for? Cheryl loves them.”   

“I do not know, Miss. I shall ask the cook.”

“Thank you. Could you also ask James if he can put everything in the car?”

“Of course Miss.”

I turned around and walked out of the room. When I walked past the study my grandmother called me in.

“Kimberley! Do you have a moment to spare?”

“Of course grandmother. What can I do for you?”

She smiled at me and told me to sit down.

“I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you for making an effort with your sister again. I know how difficult this is for you.”

“Cheryl sort of made me.” I told her.

“Nonsense sweetheart. You know just as well as I do that you won’t let anyone tell you what to do.”

I smiled at her and stood up. “I should be off now grandmother, the girls are waiting for me I think.” She smiled at me. I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on her head.

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