Chapter 28

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Chapter 28~ To Make Things Right

“Hello you!” I said to my sister as she opened the door. “Can we come in?” I had taken Ralphie with me to my mothers house. It turns out that David, my younger brother and Ralphie became good friends. He had been asking me for a while now to bring Ralphie over again. Both of them didn’t really have that much friends so I figured it was all right. Truth was that I was actually delighted that the Walsh’s started to accept my family. Last week Mr. Walsh invited them over for dinner. I know Kimberley had something to do with it but I still appreciate them agreeing to it. It turned out to such a pleasant afternoon and evening. Kimberley later told me that her father had enjoyed himself more that he thought he would actually do and that he would invite them over more.   

“Hello you two, of course you can!” she said and dropped to Ralph’s eyelevel. “David is in his room, you know where it is right?” He nodded and ran past her.

When she stood back up she looked at me and opened her arms. Accepting the invitation I stepped into them and gave her a big hug.

“Is Kimberley not with you?” She said as we pulled apart.

“No, she had some business she needed to attend to. It is just me and Ralph today.”

She eyed my necklace.

“Another present?”

“Yes.” I said as I brought my fingers up to touch the necklace Kimberley had gotten me.

"She sure is spoiling you isn't she."

“I told her to stop now though. I don’t want her to spend this much money on me.”

My sister smiled at me and grabbed my arm. We walked into the living room where I found my mother. “Hello mam.” I said as I moved to give her a kiss. “How are you today?”

“Cheryl, sweetheart. I didn’t know you were coming ‘round” She said, a smile on her face.

“Kimberley is away the bigger part of the day, leaving me with Ralph. I don’t really like to stay at the house alone. As Ralph loves it here we decided to come and see what you are up to.”

“Where is young Mr. Ralph?”

“David’s room.”

“Do you want something do drink?” my sister asked.

“That would be nice.” I said and she turned to walk to the kitchen.

As we were now alone in the room my mother turned to talk to me.

“How are things going now sweetheart? Are you getting used to the part yet?”

“I am slowly getting to that point, mam. I am blessed to have someone as splendid as Kimberley by my side, helping me along. She is truly heaven send. She has helped me so much these last few weeks.”

“It is great to hear that things are working out. Kimberley is indeed a lovely girl. You are very lucky to have found her.” 

“I am.” I said as a smile formed on my face. “I really am.”

“Tea anyone?”

“Yes Amy, that would be lovely.”

She pored us all a cup and settled down on the sofa next to me. I turned to her while clutching my cup. “What are you doing this coming Saturday?” I asked her.

“Nothing yet. Why?”

“I am planning on having a little picnic. Just to get Kimba and her sister to talk again. I was wondering if you would like to come, sort of make it a sister event.”

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