Chapter 3:

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Akuma walkes into a clothing store, she over heard the Tv set playing. "Last night the Police found one of the Fathers from the Council of Mars. He appeard to have a bullet in his chest. Oh course we can't identify who did this because the only Live ammo weapons still in shops are the Hécate 1, 2 and a Russian SVD. And the bullet was from a DS-" Akuma focused away from the radio. She didn't buy Anything but headed to "Bear'z Gunz 'n Ammoz". Ding the bell rang as she walked in. She heard a man wissle at her. She went to the desk. "I would like the Hécate 2 with a air made magazine?" She said to the man at the desk. He had a long bushy beard. Akuma put €12,000 on the desk. The man put Akuma's new sniper and Mag into her bag. Since the sniper folds it can easily get past airdock security. She walked out. She remebered why she got the two airmade mags, they produce bullets from Air by scraping off parts of the magazine it self. One normaly lasts around three years. 3.5 if you're lucky. She walked to the airdock. She paid her Ticket fee and boarded a almost empty commercial Osprey, Number 42. The hybrid Helicopter and Plane lifted from the ground and started flying ti the north side of the city. Akuma got up. And walked to the cockpit and aimed her G18 at the Pilot. He knew the drill and got up, sat down. And was perfectly happy. Akuma sat. She started flying away from the city. She saw something in the distance. A little flash. Then, in a split second there was a Swosh and a bang then a hole in the window close to her head. She swirved the Osprey to her 8 and landed it in the forest. She ran out the back. "Fly this back to the city!" She yelled at the pilot. Akuma got down behind a bush and pushed the Hécate's barrel through the shrub. She looked down the scope for a shine and say one around 200 meters away. She aimed at it and tried to pull the trigger, it wouldn't move. She checked the safety on it and she tilted her head back up when a bullet flew past her left ear. She pulled the trigger but no bullet came out. She checked her mag. She forgot to put it in. She pulled out the first mag and stuffed it in. She pulled the cock and pulled the trigger. There was a deafing bang and the Hécate bolted back five inches bruising Akuma's shoulder. She aimed down the sights. Another flash and small bang came from the other sniper. She felt something wet on her cheek and a numbing and sharp pain.

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