Chapter 3

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Sorry for not posting earlier. Here you go! Enjoy!



"Hello gorgeous." It was the next day of school and I was walking to my chemistry class when a male voice called out to me. Throughout the whole day, I heard girls whispering loudly as I passed by They said words like "slut" or "whore". I ignored them, but on the inside I felt furious. I gripped my binder and folders tightly in my arms and slowly turned around to look at the owner of the voice. Richard Ellington. Figures.

"Hello." I walked towards Richard until I was about a foot away. "Will you be my girlfriend, mi amour?" I did a fake expression of thinking and looked to the side. I looked back at him. "Hmm. No, sorry. I don't date boys I don't know." And with that, I turned and walked off.

"Wait!" I stopped and looked over my shoulder at Richard. "Then give me a chance to know you." I sighed. Stubborn boys. Don't they know not to bother a girl when they get rejected? "Sure. How about... this Sunday?" I smiled, corks turning in my head. Richard's face turned thoughtful and then he frowned. "Sorry... I have a gathering that day." I chuckled in my mind. I know, stupid boy. Don't you know that the gathering is at my house? And, the best part is... all the boys will be there. Hah! Serves you four right.

"Oh! Do you have an idea?" I said calmly, fighting the urge to laugh and yell at the same time. Richard smiled then, a smug smile. "Sit with me in lunch every Monday." I nodded and then turned and left. Today was Friday so I had few days to prepare myself.

During lunch, it's like a normal high school or any school, really. The smart people sit in one table, the Goth people, the anime/book lovers, the popular people, the sport people, the music people, the bad boy table, etc. and as usual, the normal table. I, of course, sit at the normal table with Kate, Jace and a few other people that I can have fun with. Richard sat at the sports table, Zachariah sat at the popular table, Vincent sat at the music table, and Xavier sat at the bad boys table. They were all boys with split personalities and I knew other students had already placed bets on the boys.

I headed to chemistry, sliding into my seat right when the bell started. It was the second week of school, so we had assigned seats. The seat that I sit in is in the back of the room and there was an empty seat to the left of me. Kate, who sat in front of me, turned around. "So, any boys yet?" She wiggled her eyebrows as I groaned. "Don't remind me. Apparently I have to see all the boys on Sunday because of a gathering and I have to sit with Richard every Monday during lunch," I said quietly as I sat back up slowly.

Kate's mouth dropped open. "Seriously? Sunday?" She cackled. "Haha. I'm so glad I'm going to be there. I can't wait to see what happens!" Just then, the door opened and in stepped Zachariah Redburg. The teacher, Mrs. Robins, looked surprised. "Zach, what are you doing here? You should be in my fifth period class." "My classes were changed, Mrs. Robins." Mrs. Robins nodded and then turned back to the board. As she wrote on the board with a dry erase marker, she told Zach to sit at an empty seat.

And, of course, he sits right next to me. "Isabella, was it? I'm Zach." I slowly turned towards him and glared. "I know, Zach. We've been in the same school for six years. I'm pretty sure I would've known who you were by now." He chuckled. "And you're still the same sarcastic person as ever." I rolled my eyes at his comment and Kate laughed silently.

The rest of Chemistry was spent on listening to Mrs. Robins droning on and on about chemicals and whatnot. I could feel Zach's looking at me for brief moments before looking back at the teacher.

After class, it was time for our next class. I waved goodbye to Kate and headed towards the East wing of the school where my English class was. I slid into my seat and checked the time. Perfect timing. I quickly pulled out my laptop and checked my email for any reply from my brother. Nothing new.

I usually disliked this class because the most popular people ended up in the same class as I was in. Which basically meant one of the boys was in this room. Wanna take a guess? He's that one boy who every girl goes ooh-la-la over and he's one of the most popular guys at school.

And the answer is: Xavier Bennett! Surprise, surprise! Not.


Did you guys enjoy this? I had fun writing this! I'll put up Chapter 4 this Friday. Please vote and comment!


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