Chapter 4

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Sorry! I'm really really sorry, I didn't update on Friday. I hope you enjoy this part!


Xavier was already sitting at his seat, which was thankfully across the room from mine. When the teacher entered the classroom, Xavier walked up to the teacher and they spoke quietly to each other. After a few moments, they split and Xavier went back to his seat as the teacher started talking. "We will be starting a project today, so everyone will get a new seating to determine your groups. Please sit in the seat that I tell you to go to." The teacher then began calling out names and pointing to a spot.

"Isabella, sit right here please," The teacher pointed to a chair by the front left of the classroom. "Xavier right here." The teacher pointed to the seat across from my new seat. Why? Why does this always happen to me and not to other people? I mentally groaned.

I sat quickly in my new seat and quickly conjured up a plan in my mind. Ignore him, Izzy. You can do this. Only talk to him about the project. I was also paired up with another boy and girl, who were named Gabriella and Tom. After the teacher told us what to do on the project, which was basically a book/history report, everyone set off to work.

"So Kitten, how's your school day so far?" He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desk, making his muscles bulge out as he looked at me. Other girls nearby stared at his arms and glared jealously at me. Do you think I want this? I leaned forward too, tucking my hands underneath my chin. "I have two things to say to you, bad boy. One, do not ever call me Kitten. And two, can we work on the project now?" Xavier smirked and leaned forward even more until our noses almost touched.

"Of course, Kitten. After all you are mine." I rolled my eyes at his proposition and pulled back. "Well, I'm sorry bad boy, but I'm not anyone's and will never ever be anyone's little plaything." I glared at him. As I looked away, I heard Xavier whisper "Too late."

After the mini conversation between Xavier and me, the entire group set out to find our book to research on. I learned later that Gabriella, or Gabi as she prefers to be called was actually a really funny and nice person. "No, not that book. It's too weird. Who puts a clown on the front cover and then expect people to read it without being creeped out?" Gabi said as she held up one of the books. The front cover had a huge clown face creepily smiling. I laughed. Tom just shook his head and went on to the next book.

As class ended, Gabi and I exchanged numbers and everyone headed off to lunch. As I entered the lunchroom, I quickly purchased a salad and a bottle of mango juice. "Izzy! Over here!" I spotted Kate's smiling face and quickly found our table. I slid into my seat and I felt Kate tackle me. "Izzy! Have you seen Mr. Bad-Boy-Extraordinaire?" I groaned for the millionth time that day and let my head hit the table. "Do not remind me of 'Mr. Bad-Boy-Extraordinaire', Kate. He called me Kitten!" I said Kate's nickname for Xavier in a mocking high-pitched tone. "Whoa, whoa. Izzy's making that weird face again. What happened?" Jace asked as he slid into his seat. I quickly started eating to avoid Kate and Jace's prodding questions.

"Ooh la la! He likes you! He likes you!" Kate laughed and danced around the table. She suddenly stopped and grabbed my arms. "You have to date him! You. Have. To." She shook me violently. I nodded quickly and she let go. "Haha. I'll date him not!" Kate screeched and darted for me. I laughed and ran off, grabbing my stuff. "Isabella Katherine Blackburn! I will get my revenge!" Kate yelled at me as I ran out of the cafeteria.

I ran until I reached the library oak doors. I checked a clock that was hanging on the wall. Thirty minutes. Perfect. I cracked the library oak door open and slipped inside. Searching around the library, I found a secluded corner in the far corner in the library. A large beanbag chair and a small lamp placed by the wall surrounded by novels of romance.

I skimmed my finger over each book cover until I found what I was looking for: Venice, Love by Junie Harolds. I flipped open the book to the first page and started to read. About five minutes after reading, I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked up and saw Xavier leaning against a bookcase and smirking at me. I dropped the book in my lap and silently groaned. "Xavier, what do you want?" Xavier leaned off the bookcase and walked over to me, crouching down in front of me. "What are you reading?" Xavier lifted the book off my lap. "Venice, Love?" I snatched the book out of Xavier's clutches.

I felt my face heat up, as Xavier smiled cockily and stood up. "Isabella. Found you." I looked up at Zach's smiling face. Zach's face fell when he spotted Xavier. I saw two other people approach us. Vincent and Richard. "Hullo. You must be Isabella. It's a pleasure to meet you." Vincent went down on one knee, grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. "The pleasure's all mine, Vincent." I smiled at Vincent. "Call me Vince. Everyone does." I nodded. Vincent looked up at the other three boys and shot them a triumphant smile.

Just then, the end-of-lunch bell rang and I jumped up, sliding the book back where it originally was. I knew that I still had ten minutes before I had to leave, but I wanted to get away fast. "So, I'll see you guys later." I skipped around the bookcase and then leaned back to look at all four of them. "On Sunday." I gave them a small smile and then left the library. As I softly closed the library oak door behind me, I saw out of the corner of my eye the reporter and cameraman for Black Rose Prep's Online Blog, Veronica Pittsburgh. Daily, Veronica would post videos and blog posts about Black Rose Prep gossip. "Isabella! Wait!" Veronica hurried over with the cameraman, Marvin Williams.

"Marvin! Get this rolling!" Veronica snapped at Marvin. Marvin clicked few buttons on the camera and did a thumbs up. "Hello, this is your reporter, Veronica, here, speaking. Ms. Isabella Blackburn, the girl chosen for The 4Loves Project, is here with me. Isabella, can you tell me this. Have you met all four of the guys who will try and woo your heart? What do you think about them?" Veronica shoved the microphone at me.

I smiled at the camera. "Well, thanks Veronica for asking. Yes, I have met all of the boys. I think that most of them are very cocky and arrogant, but I guess one or two of them are pretty okay." I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and tug me towards their chest. I looked up at the person's face. Xavier. "So, Kitten, who's the arrogant, cocky one?" I smiled sweetly at Xavier. "Why, Xavier, don't you know it's you?" I dug the heel of my shoe into Xavier's sneakers. I saw him wince slightly, a twitch. Yes! "And that's it! Thank you and see you later!" Veronica smiled quickly and Marvin shut off the camera. Both of them soon left, leaving me and four other guys in the hallway.

"Well, bye! I'm going to be late to meet up with Kate!" I ran away before anyone could respond.


Here you go! I want to apologize again for updating this late! Please vote and comment!

~ BlackKat52

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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