Chapter 3

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Ah, the sweet smell of the weekend. What a great thing. I was literally jumping for joy when I saw Madilyn and Jack. I flashed them my biggest grin.

"Gee, what's up with you?" asked Jack.

"Don't you remember?" I responded, "We're going to that old house across the street!"

"And you're excited because..?" Madilyn chimed in. I rolled my eyes jokingly. This is the only thing I've been excited about since I've moved here.

I unscrewed the lid of my water bottle. Madilyn spoke again. "You should bring your hot friend," she smirked.

I nearly spit out my water I was drinking. "Isaac? Oh, goodness, no," I responded.

"Damn, I thought you were talking about me," Jack said flatly. We ignored him.

"Yeah, why not?" asked Madilyn. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I-uh-I guess I can ask him."

"Good," Madilyn nodded and smiled. A few minutes after the bell rang, and school started. It was going to be a long day.

The last hour of the day. It couldn't have gone any slower. On my way out I found Isaac wandering the halls.
"Hey, Isaac!" I yelled down the hallway. He turned and smiled at me. I couldn't help to notice how Isaac had that messy-but-cute look going on. His hair was in curly tangles, but neat, and his smile was lopsided. Isaac was tall, but not much taller than I am. I was too tall for boys to tower over me.

Among the crowd of people, we ended up finding each other.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked. I smiled at him.

"My friends and I are hanging out after school today. Wanna come with?" It took him a minute to respond, as if he wasn't sure of what he was getting himself into.

Isaac gave a half smile. "Sure," he said.

"Head straight to my house when you leave. You know where it's at, right?"He nodded and walked off.

Once again, I was the last car left in the parking lot. As I drove off I thought about Isaac. How he just seemed so slightly mysterious. I wanted to know more, and I also wanted to know nothing. Getting to know his darkest secrets takes away from his mysterious aura.

Isaac beat me to my house. As I pulled up he walked down the driveway. Speak of the devil.

After I got out of the car, I walked through the garage to put my books away. And right on cue, Isaac was trailing behind me.

I spun around. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm going in with you," he said blankly, "I thought we were hanging out."

"We're waiting outside for Madilyn and Jack, and my mom would freak if I brought a boy in the house without any warning," I responded.

"Well I think that would be quality entertainment," Isaac shrugged. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

I walked through the doorway and said, "Take your shoes off at the door," without looking back.

I couldn't see him, but I could tell that he had a little smile on his face. The sound of shuffling feet followed behind me.

In order to get to my room, that meant I had to go through the kitchen, which meant Mom was probably in there helping my brother with homework. I tried to slip through without being seen, but as I figured, the mission failed.

"Cara," my mom called. I turned to face her.

"Hey, mom," I smiled.

"Who's this?" she asked. I looked at Isaac for the first time since we were outside. His nose was red from the wind, and he had a smirk on his face.

"I'm Isaac," he said just as I was about to introduce him. He shook my mom's hand. Out of the few boys I've brought home over the years, that was a first.

"I'm a friend of Cara's," he continued. My mom glanced at me and gave me a 'we'll talk about this later' look. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," my mom responded.

"I'm just going to go put my books away and then we're going to go hang out with some friends, is that okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, honey, just be back for dinner,"

"Thanks, Mom. Love you," I gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed in the direction of my room.

As I walked through, I noticed my little brother staring at Isaac. I turned to him in confusion. Brendan turned back to his homework.

I opened my bedroom door and set my backpack on my bed. There were still a few boxes left to unpack. Isaac was already snooping around, looking at pictures and decorations. I had a box open, it was filled with all my pictures and little things I kept because I thought they were worth saving.

"Who's this?" Isaac asked. He held up a picture from the box. The picture was taken in 8th grade. It was of me and my friend Jess. It was twin day at school and we decided to dress up as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

"That's my old friend, Jess," I said, looking over his shoulder at the picture. Jess had blonde hair that was naturally pin straight. I always told her I was jealous of her hair. My hair is just a wavy mess. She could also pull of beautiful braids and hairstyles, whereas my hair was too dark to even be able to see anything I did to it. She was my best friend for years, and if best friends could be out of your league, she was totally out of mine.

"Do you still talk to her?" Isaac asked. I had nearly forgotten he was there.

I hesitated answering the question. "No," I responded, "But I wish I could."

"Where is she now?"

"No one knows," I responded in a voice so little I could barely hear myself say it. Isaac turned to face me and gave me a questioning look. I shouldn't have said anything. I should've just lied and said she moved to California, or she was in South America, traveling the world or something.

"She got kidnapped about two years after that picture was taken. No one knows who took her, or where she is, or if she's even alive."

I guess I must've looked upset, or I was crying, because Isaac pulled me into a hug.

"How long has she been missing?" his voice was muffled because his head was resting on top of mine.

"A year," I responded. We sat in silence.

"I feel like she's not dead. I feel like I would know, like if she died a string would just snap inside of me. But that string is still holding on. Just by a thread." I said.

"I believe you."

"She's not dead," I kept whispered to myself as I detached myself from Isaac. It's what I had to tell myself almost daily.

She's Not Dead.

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