Chapter 13

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Isaac and I slid into silence as our eyes read Miss Haul's swirly writing.

"What does that even mean?" Isaac asked, pointing to a line.

I read it aloud. "The thing that kills must be returned to those who have kneeled before it-"

"And placed back in it's origin of fear?" he finished the line with a questioning tone. Thoughts ran in and out of my brain as I tried to figure out a logical explanation for this. Then it hit me.

"Oh my god, it's talking about a murder weapon," I bolted up off my bed and paced the room. He seemed rather confused, so I explained it to him.

"'The thing that kills', the weapon. 'Must be returned to those who have kneeled before it', the victim. But what I don't get is placing it back in it's 'origin of fear'."

Isaac stood up. "The origin of fear? What even is the origin of fear? Someone coming to stab you in the gut with a knife?"

"Coming to stab you in the gut..." I mumbled, still pacing. Then my legs stopped moving, and it was as if a light bulb went off in my head. "Isaac, you're a genius!" I yelled with a big grin on my face. I jumped up and hugged him. He was caught off guard by my sudden movement, but still latched on to my waist in time so I wouldn't fall.

Suddenly, I became very self conscious about my action. He set me gently on the ground, and I stuttered an apology. "Oh, oh my god, I'm sorry, I just got really excited, and-"

"It's okay," his voice was barely a whisper, "maybe I should think of genius ideas more often."

I expected him to walk away, for me to walk away, but we were still so close together. I could feel the warmth of his skin on mine, and I wondered if he could here my heart beating at 100 miles an hour. I wasn't sure why he made me feel this way. Saying I had butterflies in my stomach was an understatement. It was more like rampaging birds swirling my insides up in knots.

"So," Isaac's voice was soft and hushed, "Why am I a genius?"

My mouth opened to speak, but the words got caught in my throat. He was contiguously close, and it clouded my thoughts.

"The, uh, you have to recreate the..." my voice drifted off as he moved closer to me. I didn't dare look up at his face until this moment, and when I did, he was already staring right back at me. His eyes scanned my face, and he rested his forehead on mine. Carefully, he got closer and closer, and it felt as if every minute was a million, until his lips brushed against mine, just barely, and it made me go crazy.

Until I heard the front door slam shut, and we jumped apart.

"Cara! Are you home?" My mom's voice echoed through the house.

"Yeah, I'm upstairs!" I called to her. It wasn't until then I realized my breathing was insanely heavy. "Come on," I motioned to Isaac, who seemed to be in just as much amazement as I had. We both sat quickly on opposite sides of my bed and pulled the first notebook or textbook we grabbed out of our backpack, and opened it.

"Hey sweetie" Mom said, entering my room, "Oh, hello Isaac. I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, we were just working on some homework together," I told her, writing my name on a blank sheet of paper.

"It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Reager," Isaac said with a wave.

"Oh, please, call me Jessica," she told him, then continued to leave so we could finish our homework. I finally told Isaac what the last line of meant, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him when I said it, so I kept my eyes focused on writing out the title of my English essay very neatly on my paper.

"You have to recreate the murder," I said, still cringing at the word "murder".

"Oh," was the only response he gave.

I continued. "So, we have to talk to them and see if they know who did it, and if they don't, we have to find them ourselves."


I couldn't stand to be in the room any longer, so I shut my notebook and stormed out, my feet making a muffled sound on the wood floors. On my way downstairs, I noticed my mom sound asleep in her room, the door peeking open. I heard Isaac's steps coming behind me, so I ran down the stairs.

"Cara!" he called, sort of quietly, he must've seen my mother was asleep. I was putting my jacket and my boots on, almost ready to burst through the door, when he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Where are you going?"

"To the house," I said, "To get some answers."

"Well I'm coming with you."

"No, just don't worry about it, I shouldn't have dragged you into this anyway, it's my problem, and-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence, because suddenly Isaac's lips were on mine and he was kissing me. It was strange at first, but I gave in, and wrapped my hands around his neck. It felt as if a wave of electricity went through me, sending fire through my veins.

We parted. "I'm coming with you," he said with certainty in his voice.

"Okay," I said, still in shock. He chuckled and opened the door.

"Shall we go?" he gestured for me to go, and I giggled at his sudden cheeriness.

"We shall," I said, and walked out the door, remembering what happened just moments ago.


(A.N) Hi guys! So I feel like I put too much romantic stuff in my chapters between Cara and Isaac (What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good romance story) and I really need to incorporate Madi and Jack into the story more and I'm trying to get the storyline moving but I just thought this would be a perfect place for their first kiss?? I don't know. I'm trying not to make it too mushy and lovey-dovey. Maybe I could get your thoughts on it? I need as much help and advice as I can get :)

On another note, I never addressed that this book now has over ONE THOUSAND READS??? Holy wow. That's amazing. I mean, it doesn't seem all that big a deal to others with more popular stories, but it sure as heck blows my mind.

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