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As if the grandeur of the house wasn't enough to overwhelm Felix, he was bombarded with a new aspect as soon as he set foot into the massive library. Floor to ceiling shelves of original, leather bounded books with gold script and spine completely surrounded the area in the middle where a single, round table housed a map that was too big, it fell off its edges. Great, embossed chairs stained with looks of antiquity were dotted around the library. It was the absolute perfect place for quietude.

The gamer was too focused on eating as much of the eye candy as he could to notice the man scrutinizing the map in the center of everything. He had charcoal colored hair and wore a dark gray tailcoat that was open to show off his deep black vest. He was very well dressed for not seeing people on a regular basis. As the rest of them stopped to greet the man, Felix almost bumped them over to play a game of human dominos.

"'Allos, Martin," Stephano said. Martin's only response was a nod of the head. "... We have brought Pewdie."

With emerald eyes filled with ennui, he turned to them for the first time in days. "Ah, yes. Felix Kjellburg. Welcome." Martin rolled his eyes and turned back to his work, never being one to talk much.

Stephano cleared his throat and stepped closer, apparently bursting the imaginary bubble around Martin that stood a full arm's width in diameter. "Because you are the record keeping Intellect of the group, perhaps you could brief Pewdie on everything."

Martin scoffed, moving to the other side of the room toward the fat bookcase pushed against the wall. "Well, you're going to need to be more specific than that," he said, scanning the titles for answers to any sort of question. Ah, books were amazing.

Felix thought for a moment before realizing he actually needed to ask a question. "Umm... well you can start with 'What is all of this?'"

Martin rolled his eyes. "This is a library. Filled with books."

Everyone else in the room facepalmed.

"Well, I don't know how to start!" he said, looking bashful. "There are so many things I could ask."

Stephano decided to give Felix a little push in the right direction. "Let's first explain the basics," he said with a slight smile. "You don't even know who we are."

Felix blinked at the lot. "But... I thought..."

Martin sighed. "It seems you are as lost as you are in every single Slenderman mod," he murmured, leaning his back on the spines of books. "Of course there's more to us than what meets the eye." He then turned his back to them once more, getting a stepladder from the front of the room and using it to get a high up book for Felix. "Here's a book I found on the classes and elements of each."

The gamer attempted to catch the book, but it fell to the ground.

"Be careful!"

"Sorry..." He picked the leather bound book that looked fairly new and opened to the first page. Immediately he closed it. "What is this? I can't read something like this. Just..." he sighed. "Explain this to me." He held up the book to Martin to put it back into place.

Instead, the elder man (who didn't really look that old, maybe in his early 30s) held it to his chest as he stepped down and relaxed. "I suppose I could try to dumb things down to your level," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Anyway," Martin waved off. "For starters, there are seven classes we know of that have forced themselves upon everyone when they have turned human, including every one of us. That means you, Felix." He gave a foreboding look to the gamer before looking away to think. "Although, you would be considered to be in the class of Intellect, or humans. We don't have any sort of special abilities but our minds. Advanced reason and problem solving skills is what makes us vital to the team. I don't know where the magic went wrong with you, but you don't fit into any other class."

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