Chapter Sixteen : Memories

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The entire ride was silent but it was not the awkward silence rather a peaceful one.

The carriage finally pulled to the Duke's palace. Henry helped Rose out of the carriage by himself not wanting to take help of the footman. The place was decorated enormously in golden, red and silver as the dominating colours with big banners. The entire area shimmered by lights in the night. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed her looking around in awe. He led her to the entrance clutching her hand tightly as if he never wanted her to let go. And he wouldn't ever.

They were welcomed by Duke Colton himself along with his wife. Henry pulled her closer to him and his hand left hers and travelled to her back. This act of his made butterflies flutter in her stomach. His body radiated warmth and she could feel it. In a place like this where she didn't know anyone and the way she noticed male eyes on her, Henry gave her a sense of security and protection. For the first time she thought she really needed to be with him.

The Duke was a middle aged man with a big beard and light grey eyes. His wife was a beautiful lady, dressed in a purple ball gown and her hair tide neatly in a bun. The Duke and his wife bowed in respect and led them inside. With every step, Henry's grip on Rose became possessive. He didn't like the way men were staring at something that was his. His only and only.

In unison everyone bowed in respect and the King ordered finally after a satisfactory smirk, "All rise." and everyone rose up.

He led her to the dimly lit dance floor with a soft music playing in the back ground. He turned her to face him and placing a hand on her waist and the other getting hold of her soft hand, he pulled her closer staring intensely in her caribbean blue eyes that were twinkling in the low light.

She released a small breath she was holding back and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. She felt like she was lost in those intense eyes. Her hand automatically travelled to his shoulder and they started dancing to the slow music, it could be considered as the most mesmerizing moment between the couple. She had forgotten about the eyes on her and wanted to be lost in him forever. She didn't understand this feeling but felt comfort in it.

He twirled her around just to get her back to him.

Gradually his other hand that was holding her hand went to her back and he pulled her closer. Close enough to feel her breathing and just an inch apart from her lips. Her lips parted and her eyes widened but then her arms encircled around his neck.

There was a movement when he had to stoop her low then pull her back gracefully. When Henry had lowered her, her arms around his neck had tightened and her eyes soft as if she trusted him. They danced for a while then stopped with the music. There was a slow round of applause but before the lights brightened and he let her go, Henry kissed her ever so softly. It was just a small kiss but Rose felt it like eternity and this caused her to blush with the widening of her eyes. His gaze was soft now not like the intimidating one he usually had.

Henry's hand on the back travelled gently to her waist then he let go of his hand from her body. He clutched her hand again and walked her down the dance floor. He could hear her heart thumping like crazy and a ghost of smile danced on his face. Which didn't last long.

After a while they were surrounded by elites and other Royals and the way they looked at him it was enough to tell her that His Majesty held authority, respect and gratitude among the people and not to mention the fear. The people bowed before her greeted her but she couldn't smile properly, as if she had forgotten it a long ago no matter how much she tried. Rose felt a strange fear in her even if she tried to smile. She tried to remember and forced it in her mind but it just hurt and ached.

He wasn't holding her hand anymore but standing close enough and sipping on rhenish wine. Rose was offered that too but she had denied politely because she never drank wine or alcohol. Henry didn't force it on her. He liked the way she was still innocent and naive but he didn't like the naivity of her in case of other male.

The people around her and the ball had certain impact on her mind. It was reminding something of her marriage and it was not a good memory. She gulped down and looked around. Rose was trying really hard to compose her but scary feelings prevailed in her. People around her gradually disappeared and there were just the two of them. Henry noticed her uneasiness and got hold of her hand giving it an assuring squeeze. He thought she was just uncomfortable with a lot of attention. But this was not the case.

She looked up at him with big confused eyes, her face soft and her lower lip slightly quivered. His expression softened and he whispered gently, "Is everything alright, Rose?"

She gulped down and slowly nodded, breathing heavily. He thought that he should take her out to give her some air that's when they were interrupted by someone.

"Its a pleasure to meet you here, Henry." A velvety and husky voice sounded in her ears to see a man with amber eyes like gold. He had bronze skin and dirty blonde hair with slight stubble. His body was bulky and she felt his eyes directly on her even though he was addressing the King. "Jaq. I didn't expect you here." Henry said calmly. He didn't actually expect him in that particular ball. How can he be invited there? It gave him the information that he had started developing relation with the human Royals. But the way he was eyeing his wife it irked him.

"I am fortunate to meet you, Your grace, Rose, I am Jaq Kovacevic. The ruler of Oriwolverine." He said as he got hold of her hand and bowed down to kiss it that's when she noticed Henry's eyes narrowing and his jaw twitching. Oriwolverine? What was this place? Rose thought. Jaq was holding her hand for an uncomfortable moment but before Henry could do anything she herself pulled her hand back feeling uneasy.

Henry didn't like the way he called her by her name. "I must say you are very beautiful." Jaq said and Henry tightened his grip on her hand pulling her close to him, she diverted her eyes to him as he was glaring daggers at Jaq and noticed something strangely familiar about him. His eyes were changing colours slightly, growing darker and a few sparks in them as the light reflected in them. Her eyes widened in shock and a flash of memory struck her mind.

The night. His eyes. His rage. His... fangs. It all slowly started falling into place. Her hands trembled in fear. The memories flashed in her brain one by one. She stared at him in fear once he noticed her, he averted his eyes from Jaq to Rose and saw a strange fear dancing in those blue orbs. He closed his eyes and opened again trying to calm down.

She noticed that his eyes were in their original colour again. Her heartbeat accelerated and she felt a sudden urge to run away.

"I wish I could spend time with you for longer but I have some ventures that cannot be left unattended. Unfortunately, I have to take leave." With this Jaq gave a slight bow and left. Rose stood stupefied and let out a deep breathe as if she was zoning out. She stared blankly at the way through which Jaq left.

Henry wanted to gouge his eyes out but was more concerned about Rose' behaviour.

Rose looked back at Henry and her chest rose up and down in fear, she wriggled her hand out of his grasp and the next thing she knew was that, she was running out of the place in fear.


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