Chapter Ten : Lucid As A Stream

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Henry locked the room from outside and walked out of the palace, his eyes were red like the devil, he was about to go for a run in the forest but stopped when his third in command, Jason stopped him with the news that the unwanted mystery man was caught who was found lingering in the palace gardens. No body knew about the incidents regarding the Queen but just an intruder to be arrested.

He quickly composed himself to normal even though there was a storm brewing inside of him.

Not waiting for a coach he decided to take his horse to the dungeon where the man was held captive. Every way of killing a man in the harshest way was planned in his mind. Burning alive. Heated metals. Shredding into pieces. The monster inside him had awaken making him even worse than a beast.

On reaching the dungeon, he dismounted from his horse. The guards bowed in respect but he surpassed them towards the particular cell where the man was chained to the wall. He entered the dark cell, the man looked mostly unharmed except for a few bruises that formed on his body. Work of the cell guards.

He was aware that the man was still unaware of his presence till he walked under the sole light that made the man go stiff. "W-What are you doing?" the man spoke loudly seeing Henry picking up metal rod that was kept upon hot burning charcoal and the rod visibly red hot.

He raised an amused eyebrow and said, "Don't worry, I am just playing around." He walked towards him with the rod, the man was struggling against the chains, "Like you did with my wife." Henry ended.

Suddenly, the man stopped struggling and replied with a smirk, "Beautiful, isn't she? Always wanted to have a taste of her..."

Instead of giving the man a deadly reply, he raised the rod towards his abdomen. The man screamed in pain but he didn't stop. It was burning his flesh with the arousal of the smoke. "Now, tell me what relation do you have with her? If you value your flesh." Henry asked.

The man gave a stupid laugh and said, "Why? You jealous?"

The king moved the rod right before his eye. "Just curious. Who do you work for?"

The man hesitated for a while, gulped a lump in his throat "I am not answering your question."

"Oh, really." He moved the rod away then looked behind him. Came a hideous laugh of an animal.

"You will have company tonight. They won't mind eating your burnt parts." The man's eyes went wide.

"Answer me and I will let you free." Henry spoke calmly wandering the rod around the man's private region.

The man went silent, fear dancing in his eyes. Not wanting to prolong his time, the king's eyes glowed red and the man started shivering.

"I-I will answer you." Henry removed the rod away gesturing him to go on.

"I have no relation whatsoever with your wife. That night the girl with me was only a hologram created out of black magic."

"You practise black magic. Interesting. Who do you work for?"

"I won't answer you." He spat.

"Fine then." He left the dungeon after burning the man's intimacy and let the hyenas free.

Even though on the outside he looked unaffected but his inside was falling apart. He hurt her. Hit her for nothing. Punished her for something she never did.

For the first time, he was tricked. Tricked into something dirty. Who wouldn't be when you see something so real and few actual evidences that he witnessed that actually favoured what he saw. He was utterly wrong.

He stepped outside the dungeon and the weather had cleared out. Moon was visible, surrounded by a few clouds. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. The image of Rose immediately came before him. Motionless, she lay on the ground. Pool of blood around her. Her eyes slightly opened and lips parted by breath. He immediately opened his eyes and without a word left the place.

Riding the horse with breakneck speed through the forest all he could think of was her. He hoped that she would still be alive. Still there, waiting for him.

Reaching the castle, he ran towards the only room where he could sense her presence. Her blood.

The king slowly and carefully opened the door, the breath in him hitched seeing the sight before him. She was lying there in foster position, her eyes closed except for the horrible scene of the blood around her. He was relieved to hear her faint heartbeat.

"Oh Lord..." He sighed and knelt before her. Gently brushed the strand of hair from her face noticing trail of blood running down from the side of her forehead down to the cheek and dripped down into droplets. Henry carefully carried her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed while he removed his hand from below her head, his hand was blood filled. He then remembered something.

He had slammed her hard against the wall.

Without waiting for a second he ordered for the doctors to be called at once. Not once did he leave her hand. He was breaking apart. It was all his fault. Couldn't believe he did this. He realised how horrible he had been.

The doctors examined her. He was forced to leave the room much to his annoyance.

A while later the doctor stepped out of the room with grim expression and said, "Her physical injuries can be healed but it requires immunity. The medicines won't work if the patient is not willing to heal. Even science requires will power and taking the condition of her highness into consideration it is impossible to assure that she will be fine. It's like her body is refusing to react to the medications. We are extremely sorry."

As much as the King wanted to kill the medic, he rather sent him away with few gold coins.

"Call the specialists from Vamparia." He ordered Mr. Alfred. Mr. Alfred bowed and left in a hurry.

He entered inside the room to find Rose sleeping peacefully. The blood had thankfully stopped bleeding out. Her arms were bandaged including her feet. She had bruises from his cruel torment.

An hour later the medics from the mystique city were treating her. They were advanced in technologies and methods. The use of medicines and herbs had gone out of fashion there. They believed in magic which was actually more strong and effective.

A few minutes later the doctor stepped out to find the King leaned against the wall casually, not even sparing him a look. He got his command and began, "Sire, we have healed all the physical injuries well. There is only one thing I would like to mention."

"What?" Henry glared at the doctor.

"Even if we completely heal her, her soul still won't accept it. She doesn't want to live. Within the next forty-eight hours she would be conscious but like a lifeless doll. It's against her soul's wish that we are treating her. She will not show any emotion may not even speak."

Henry thought for a second then, "Doesn't matter just bring her back." He spoke lowly.

The doctor bowed and returned back in.

He knew he was being mean but he wanted her back. He would do whatever he can to bring her emotions back after she opens her eyes. All he wanted now, was her.

Two hours later when the medics had left, Henry sat down beside Rose holding her hand. The medic was right, all the physical injuries were healed making her skin completely healed and radiate.

There was silence in the air, he was relieved, she would open her eyes soon.



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