Chapter Twenty Four : Smile Of Yours

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Rose rushed downstairs, her face still red by the view she just saw. He was something irresistible, the local folks were right he was handsome like a devil but when she saw him in his half naked glory, her heart skipped a beat. He was hypnotic.

Shrugging the thoughts, she reached the diner where she found the whole room empty, and why not after all vampires they were, they didn't need food but blood. Rose remembered meeting Nigel, he was rather friendly and not as scary putting aside his playboy behaviour.

When she went further to take a seat among the two parallel rows of chairs each on either side of the huge long wooden table, she heard a voice, "No, you ought to sit here." She turned around to find Nigel leaning from behind on top rail of one of the chairs kept at the width of the table and pointing at the left one.

Rose quietly walked to the specific chair and stood still. "Sit. I shall give you company." He smiled and took a seat beside hers, putting his legs on the table.

She sat quietly not knowing how to converse with him even though he seemed like a nice person. Nigel then called for a servant to order for all the delicacies that made Rose hungrier.

"Bring two pizzas, no, make it three, two triple scoop chocolate sundaes, and four extra cheese burgers and... my special chocolate lava brownie. Make sure its quick, I don't want this pretty lady here to starve. Do you need anything else, flower?" He turned to her and asked.

"I think that is a bit too much for me." She said softly. He chuckled and said, "Don't you worry babe, I am here to help." The servant left and Rose looked nervously at her fingers in the awkward silence.

"Finally heard your voice properly. You don't talk much, do you?" Nigel asked her and she replied not meeting his eyes, "Um.. no it is not like that."

"I understand, you don't have anyone to talk to. May be you are used to being silent and bored in that gloomy palace. My brother talks less but still has good conversing skills." Nigel rambled, "You two might be having a good time. I noticed how possessive he was over you."

Rose blushed at the thought, he was correct.

"You are really beautiful, I see. Makes sense why he fell for you. It might be difficult for him to keep his hands off you." Nigel winked at Rose and her eyes widened at his too open type of chat.

She knew where his talk was going so she changed the topic, "Can I ask you something?"


"Do vampires eat these kinds of food?"

"Well, we don't need it. It just provides a good taste. It doesn't satisfy our hunger. Neither do we put on weight." He said stretching his arms.

Time passed and they had their dinner along with their little chat which involved Nigel speaking most of the time. Even though she spoke less but he came to know about her hobbies and found her quite interesting and less arrogant unlike other queens. In fact, she was an intriguing person to spend time with. But among everything, he knew that she had been hiding something all this while, something painful behind those eyes. Rose hardly gave a smile at his jokes. Nevertheless, she was polite.

She was like a flower that needed love and affection to bloom again.

Later a servant came for her, requesting her presence in Henry's bedchamber.

"I will have to leave." She said shyly and later she did something that was quite charming. Rose smiled with a little blush and said, "It was nice speaking to you, Nigel." She remembered when Nigel had scolded her lightly for calling him with royal respect.

Nigel stood still and glanced at her dumbfounded when she left. She did have an enchanting smile, Nigel thought.


Rose walked upstairs to his chamber but with each step she took, her heartbeat accelerated.

When she reached, Rose slowly twisted the door knob and peeked through, he rested on the bed with his eyes closed, his upper half leaning against the crown of the bed. Henry was dressed in just a plain white button up shirt with top two buttons undone and a pair of dark jeans. His hair was dishevelled due to ruffling and his dark hair strands on his forehead contrasting his pale facial colour.

The room was dark but the light coming in through the large window reflected on his form. The lights, coming from the entire kingdom and the moon.

Rose quietly entered and closed the door behind trying not to make a noise but when she turned around a pair of warm brown eyes were already glancing her making her breathe hitch.

"How may I help you, Your Highness?"

He smiled at her and patted the space on bed beside him. She looked at his hand then his face and then again the space then after thinking for a second, Rose walked towards the bed with hesitation and sat down still maintaining a gap.

"Did that Nigel bother you?" He asked.

Rose suspiciously eyed him thinking if he was doubting her.

"No, Your Highness."

He nodded then said, "He can be disturbing sometimes."

Rose fiddled with the hem of her skirt and looked at the window overlooking the entire kingdom.

Henry found her adorable with her child like and curious habits, "And Rose..." Rose looked at him with her innocent eyes, "It is Henry for you, love."

Her face reddened at his way of calling her and Henry grinned in response. "What's the matter, sweetheart? You look lost."

"N-Nothing." She stammered and replied, "It is the view... it is too beautiful and magical." She turned her head towards the glass, eyeing it with admiration.

"Like you." She heard him whisper and when she turned her head towards him, he was leaning so close that she could smell his scent. His fresh and hypnotic scent.


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