Chapter Forty One : Resurrect

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*Unedited and many errors*

Third Person's POV:

He took out three phials of red potion to mix in a large pot of gurgling and smoky black liquid. The liquid gave rise to bubbles that burst at the surface with the foulest smell.

Taking the large jar of blood of crocodiles, he poured it in the solution to concentrate it more. With the hearts of three murdered brave knights, he chopped them into pieces and threw in the charcoal black mixture.

He placed a large metal stick inside the pot and stired the content until the quarter part of the stick in itself got mixed in the dirty solution.

Throwing the leftover of stick aside, he smiled being content at his work.

He paced back and forth around the large table with a corpse which was actually breathing. The sound of his filling and emptying of lungs reverberated on the empty dark room with a pale green glow.

The corpse shook his feet vigorously and the man received his command.

He carefully lifted the pot and dragged his feet back to the shaking corpse. With a deep breathe, he inverted the container on the entire length of the corpse. The black liquid spread on his body quickly and initiated the reaction with haste.

The corpse jerked badly and struggled against the chains that tied its limbs to the table.

A large manly howl echoed in the silent night with a triumphant laugh if the servant.

The chains broke and the corpse sat upright. The rotten skin was charred black and hair bleached white. The stands grew explosively like white waves and covered his burnt body.

The hair started covering every inch of his body including his face and he shook with extreme energy again.

The servant slowly backed away from the horrendous view and quietly watched his master turn.

When the thunder roared, the covered corpse glowed bright white and the coat of hair around the corpse broke down into pieces like it was a shell of glass. After another roar, he abrublty stopped his motion. His body was exposed again, regenerated into a new case of flesh.

He turned his head to the now cowering servant in the corner with his eyes poking out with the yellow, glowing colour.


Rose POV :

I opened my eyes with a big smile gracing my lips to find a red rose in my hand.

Memories of last night had faded. I wanted to revive them in my head but they were blurred. I ran of fingers lightly over the soft petals of the flowers and closed my eyes.

It was a dream. A very beautiful dream and astonishingly, I am not sore from the activity.

'I will always be gentle to you.'

The sound resonated in my mind making me smile.

Pulling closer the his jacket that covered my body, I deeply inhaled his scent.

The other side of the bed was cold and empty which was not what I was expecting. I wanted him beside me.

Life is like a roller-coaster. One moment you are nothing but an ordinary girl, helping her parents, living a normal life and the other moment you become a queen of vampires attending parties and having heated fantasies with your powerful husband.

I never thought that it would ever happen but it did. Everything seems so surreal. Like it's all happiness and roses.

But they say that happiness does bring hardships and sorrow behind.

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