Chapter 2

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You looked at the time, 5 o'clock. When the guys would be finishing their meet and greet. 

I slowly pulled out my phone, texting the number.
( half an hour later )

You heard a knock on the door, to which you answered faster than lightning, to see Ashton's lips curve into a smirk.
"Hi sweetheart." He purred, taking your hand and walking you down, squeezing your ass making you jump.
He looked at you and grinned.
"You're nice around."

He ushered you into the car, where Luke was sitting on the right side, Michael in shotgun, and Calum behind the wheel.
Ash pushed in beside you, the car driving off quickly.

At a sudden moment both Luke and Ashton's lips latched onto your neck, starting to give you lovebites from the top of your neck to your shoulders.
Luke ran his hand down your waist, then brought it back up and underneath your top, massaging your stomach then feeling your boobs making you squirm in delight.

"Now now kitten, don't be getting too excited just yet." Michael cooed, watching them tease you with lustful eyes.

Ashton began rubbing the inside of your thighs.
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"Y-Y/N..." You stuttered out, your eyes rolling back in your head.
Ashton nudged your neck.
"It's okay to moan baby. We like you loud."
Soon he was rubbing you through your jeans, making you moan out in want.
"You'll have to wait just a little longer baby.." Luke whispered, nipping your jawline.


chapter 2 Done !
As I said these are short chapters so I hope you don't mind XD

chapter 3 should be soon ~ A

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