First Date + First Kiss

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(Savannah's POV)
We stopped at the place where we were having our date and when we did I gasped in amazement. I got out of the car and looked around in happiness and disbelief. We were on the cliff edge at the Hollywood Hills and fairy lights were hung all around the letters and the edge of the cliff. Six Candles were lit and placed on the edge of the cliff but not too close to the edge with three on each side. I looked down. Rose petals were carefully laid out in the decoration of a path leading up to a blanket. Two pillows were on either side of the blanket next to a Picnic basket which was partly open and filled with food and drinks.  An IPhone dock was set up next to it. A candle was lit on each side of the blanket. Rose petals also surrounded the blanket. I smiled.

Sav- This is amazing Ryland, I can't believe you did all this for me
Ryland- Well you deserve the best and every girl deserves to be treated like this
Sav- But this most have taken a long time to make
Ryland- Your worth the time

I turned around and hugged him.

Sav- Your so sweet, thank you
Ryland- Your welcome now c'mon

I let go and he took my hand leading me over to the blanket. He sat down and I followed him. He put music on. Then he took the Picnic Basket and put it in the middle of us. He took out some fruit, Sandwiches, Chocolate, Coke Cans, Bottles of Water and a tub of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream with a spoon.

Ryland- Ok what would you like first?
Sav- A bottle of Water and a Cheese sandwich please
Ryland- Coming right up Miss Hudson

I giggle and he passed me what I asked for. He had a water bottle and a sandwich too. We talked for hours.

Sav- No way did you do that!
Ryland- I swear I did
Sav- Wait so the full bucket went over her?
Ryland- Yeah! Rydel was stood there covered in Yellow Paint, I'm lucky she didn't kill me with the way she was looking at me god if looks could kill

I started laughing and he did too. After a few seconds we both calm down. We cinished eating and then just sat there talking.

Sav- Thank You for tonight Ryland, I had a really good time
Ryland- Anything for you and so did I...oh here

Then he got a strawberry, dipped it in chocolate and made sure it didn't drip while outting it near my mouth. I bit it and the chocolate dripped on the blanket. We both burst out laughing. I stopped though quickly and ate my strawberry but I was still giggling.

Ryland- Nice?
Sav- Very thank you
Ryland- You say thank you so much
Sav- And? What's wrong with that?
Ryland- Nothing its just your so polite
Sav- Well you compliment people to much
Ryland-(gasped) thats so not true
Sav- It is so

Before he could answer his phone rang. He took it out. We saw it was Rydel and he answered. Minutes later he hung up and put his phone away.

Sav- Everything ok?
Ryland- Yeah its just she was wondering how long we would be because she wants and I quote "the exciting details"

I laugh.

Sav- Well you want to go now then?
Ryland- Sure

We got up and we packed everything up and put it in the car. We blew out the candles and put them away as well. We was walking back towards to the car when I remembered the lights on the sign. I stopped.

Sav- What about the fairy lights on the hollywood sign?

He looks up at them and thinks for a minute then shrugs. He turns and looks back towards me.

Ryland- Eh, leave them for the people of LA to enjoy the view of them
Sav- Or your too lazy to go up and move them?
Ryland- You know me so well

We both start laughing again as we had been doing all night. We linked out arms and I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked to the car. When we got there, he opened my car door and waited until I got in before closing it then getting in his own side and driving off.

~25 minutes later~

(Ryland's POV)
We stopped outside my house and got out. I decided that I would leave the things in the car until tomorrow. We walked up the steps onto the porch and juat before she went to go in, I stopped her.

Ryland- Wait Sav
Sav- Why? What's up?
Ryland- Nothing I just really want to kiss you
Sav- Well, what's stopping you?

I smiled and stepped forward putting one hand on her waist and pulled her close to me. Our faces closer together. I placed my other hand on the side of her face and bit my lip looking at her lip, then her eyes and back at her lips. She was biting hers. Then I leant in closer and connected out lips. The kiss lasted for about a minute and a half with breaths in between until we let go. She smiles and bites her lip again. We stayed in the same position and I looked into her eyes as she let go of her lip.

Ryland-  Will you be my girlfriend?
Sav- (nods) Yes

We both smile bigger and connect our lips again. I heard a door open but I didn't let go. Well not until I heard a small cough. We both let go and found Rocky and Ross stood there watching us. They were both smiling. We stood in slence for a moment.

Ross- Sorry, were we interrupting anything?
Ryland- No, no your good
Ross- Good

Then they stepped back and stepped to the side to let us in. They closed the door behind us. I stopped and Savannah turned.

Ryland- Go on, I'll be a minute
Sav- Ok

She turned and walked into the kitchen. I turned to face Rocky and Ross who were stood next to each other smirking at me.

Ryland- Alright go ahead, say it
Ross- We weren't gonna say anything
Rocky- Yeah if you wanna make out with your best friend on the first date then thats not our problem

Then they walked forward towards the kitchen behind me and I heard them go into a fit of laughter. I shook my head chuckling to myself quietly. I turned and walked into the kitchen where everyone looked at me smiling.

Ryland- I'm guessing that Savannah's told you everything then
Court- She did and that sounds like an amazing date
Derek- So romantic
Rocky- (whispers) Yeah and the kiss topped it all off

Him and Ross started laughing to themselves again.

Everyone- What?
Sav- Yeah what?
Rocky- oh nothing
Sav- Ok well I'm gonna go, I'm pretty tired
Ryland- I'll walk ya
Sav- Kk, night everyone
Everyone- Night

We were walking out of the front door when I heard Ross shout.


I sighed as I heard everyone laugh as I'm guessing they know now. I ignore them and we walk out. I closed the door behind us and we walked across the road onto her porch. I stepped forward and kissed her and them let go.

Ryland- Goodnight Beautiful
Sav- Goodnight

We smiled at each other and then she walked inside and I walked back across the road and inside the house. I went straight upstairs to bed to avoid them asking any questions. They'll just ask me at breakfast tomorrow anyway. I got changed into my pyjamas and laid in bed. I quickly fell asleep.

Tomorrow was going to be good.

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