chapter 21

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The shifting of the air was something only a fool would miss. The tensions between the nation's and the Americans were higher.

"What the bloodly hell do you mean?" The English man snapped directing at the man with the cold blue eyes. With the face of a once great nation.

"Oh after that America started expanding, creating more of us but that came with a horrible sacrifice. When one of us was born another died." Sadness was clear in his voice, but his eyes told a difdeent story. A story with no pity.

"Why don't why let him decide?" The voice came from the a kid in the back.

"Because dear brother why don't we just get this over with?" Another voices ran through the room.

"Do we kill them? Or-" The voice was cut off by another. "Why don't we just erase everything?" The room ran cold even the nations felt it. "We could try that, but that would only cause more problems." The voices among each other protest and wanted out. They died down when the door creeped opened.


A/N: Heyyyy *yelling of angry people* I'm sorry I haven't updated and this SHITZ is really short and all.


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