Chapter 3

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Mintkit's head swiveled around as he heard Darkkit and Flamekit rush past him.

"Come on! We might be late for the ceremony!" Flamekit mewed. Mintkit sighed and trudged forward, not looking forward to the apprentice ceremony. He already knew he wasn't going to be a warrior. It was clear from the first day he found out he was blind. What was the point of becoming an apprentice if he wasn't going to be training to be a warrior?

"Mintkit, come on, you're going to miss it." Larkpool purred as she nudged her kit forward. He sighed and perked his ears up when he heard Robinkit complaining to Pricklenose about grooming his fur.

"It'll be fine!" He mewed.

"Your fur is sticking up all over the place!" Pricklenose argued.

"Pricklenose, he's still a kit. His fur is naturally like that. Once he grows more his fur will be fine." Waspflame purred at his mate. She muttered something under her breath as Mintkit felt Robinkit run past him towards the front of the gathered cats. As soon as he had stopped beside who he identified as Redkit, he sat down and waited patiently.

"Today we are here to name new apprentices who will train to be warriors. From this day forwards, until they recieve their warrior names, they will follow the instructions of their given mentors. Darkkit, you shall now be known as Darkpaw. Your mentor is Waspflame." There was a pause and Mintkit tilted his head with confusion. Waspflame waited as Darkpaw padded towards him and touched her nose to his delicately.

"Redkit, you shall now be known as Redpaw, and your mentor shall be Russetfoot." Dawnstar mewed, dipping his head to his deputy. The two touched noses before sitting next to Waspflame and Darkpaw.

"Antpaw, your mentor shall be Snakefern. Flamepaw, your mentor is Lightfoot." He continued. "Robinpaw, your mentor is Runningbreeze." Dawnstar paused once more as he looked down at his blind son, who was dreading this moment. The moment he would be given as an apprentice to a warrior who knew he was never going to be given his warrior name.

"Mintkit, step forward." Dawnstar mewed gently. Mintkit took a hesitant pawstep forward and stared straight ahead, his stomach tying into a knot.

"From this moment forward, you shall be known as Mintpaw. And you will be training to become a medicine cat. Therefore, your mentor shall be Speckledfern." Dawnstar mewed, dipping his head. Mintpaw's eyes widened and he turned his head towards the sound of soft pawsteps. Something touched his nose and he stood in shock, not understanding what was going on. Then a tail wrapped around him and led him away from the front of the gathered cats.

"Let us welcome our new apprentices!" Dawnstar yowled, and many cats let out celebratory caterwauls. Whitefeather padded forward and purred as she stopped before her former mentor.

"Congratulations on gaining a new apprentice Waspflame." She mewed. Waspflame purred and dipped his head to her before she went off to speak with Rubblefur and Foxtail. Mintpaw craned his head towards Speckledfern's voice as he spoke to him.

"Let's start your training then, shall we?" He purred before leading Mintpaw into the medicine den.

As the scent of herbs wafted into his nose, Mintpaw felt as if he finally belonged.

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