Chapter 8:

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Mintpaw was grooming his chest fur and waiting patiently for Thrushpaw to get back from a hunting patrol. He wanted to tell the brown tom that he had found a patch of catmint near the river that seperated DuskClan and DarkClan. Over the past moon Thrushpaw and Mintpaw had gotten closer, and would share the things they had done that day, each listening to each other with interest and content.

"What a surprise. Mintpaw is sitting on his furry rump and doing nothing. Again." He heard the voice of Antpaw before he scented the tom and his brother.

"Leave him alone Antpaw." Redpaw sighed. Mintpaw could tell Antpaw had gotten closer and sighed. He really didn't want to have his good mood ruined by the rude apprentice.

"Why should I?! All he ever does is sort leaves and flowers while we work our tails off repairing camp, searching elders for ticks, defending the camp, and hunting!" Antpaw hissed. "He's just a burden to the camp! Everyone knows it!" Mintpaw could feel his heart sink into his stomach. Was that what everyone thought of him?

He spun around and sprinted out of camp. He knew his way around thanks to many expeditions searching for herbs. The scent of sweet grass and rain filled and left his nostrils as he ran out of camp, and Mintpaw guessed he had just passed Thrushpaw. Thrushpaw stared after him with shock and worry before turning his head to see Redpaw running up to him. He stopped before the brown tom and panted.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't catch up to him!" He mewed. Speckledfern poked his head out of his den and sniffed the air before noticing the two apprentices.

"Get inside your den, you two! There's a storm on the way." He mewed, turning around and padding back into his den. Thrushpaw immediately dropped the prey he grasped in his jaws and sprinted out of the camp after Mintpaw.

"Mintpaw! Mintpaw come back!" He yowled after his friend as he ran faster, trying to catch up to him. The sky was darkening and soft rumbles could be heard as the wind whistled in their ears as they ran, not noticing the large storm clouds and noises. Thrushpaw only saw the river a split second before he realized that Mintpaw was headed straight towards it.

'Dear StarClan, he's going to drown!' Thrushpaw thought, and his paws pounded against the earth faster than he'd ever run before. Mintpaw heard Thrushpaw call his name with panic, but he didn't stop. He felt his paws slip and he let out a yowl of alarm as his body somersaulted forward and was soon surrounded by cold water. Mintpaw flailed wildly with fear, not knowing where he was. He heard a muffled splash and then felt teeth grasp his scruff before he was pulled up and his head broke above water. He gasped and spluttered, coughing up any water that had filled his lungs.  He felt himself being dragged onto grass and was dropped gently. He heard panting and then a thump beside him as his rescuer flopped onto the grass beside him.

"W-what happened?" He asked shakily.

"You... mouse-brain... I told you... to stop... but you didn't." He heard Thrushpaw say in between pants. "You fell straight into the river." He mewed. Mintpaw tried to stand up, but his legs shook and he collapsed back on the grass below. Thrushpaw stood up and sighed, helping Mintpaw up by nudging him and letting him lean on his side for support.

"I'm sorry." Mintpaw muttered, guilt clawing at his stomach. He had just made Thrushpaw dive into freezing water just to save him.

"Don't be. Come on, let's get back to camp." Thrushpaw mewed gently. He started leading Mintpaw back towards the way they came, but thunder struck in the sky and Mintpaw jumped, letting out a squeak of alarm. A droplet fell from the sky and hit his nose, making him shake his muzzle to get it off. Thrushpaw stared up at the dark clouds above as rain started falling faster.

"Mouse dung. Mintpaw, we're going to have to wait the storm out to get back to camp. Come with me. I know a safe place to stay in the mean time." He mewed, ushering Mintpaw away. As they hurried through the rain, Mintpaw let his thoughts wander.

'Why is Thrushpaw so nice to me? Not one apprentice has been this kind to me ever since the day I was born. He doesn't seem to care that I'm blind, and he treats me like he would treat any able cat would. He treats me like... Like...' Mintpaw could feel his heart beat faster. 'Like his friend.' He felt his pelt heat up as he stumped over a stick and expected Thrushpaw to laugh at him.

But all he did was nuzzle Mintpaw to help him back up silently.

"Are you ok? You're really quiet." Thrushpaw mewed, his voice laced with concern. Mintpaw searched for an excuse in his mind before coming to a conclusion.

"I-I'm fine! Just a bit tired!" He mewed.

"We're almost there. Think you can travel a bit further?" Thrushpaw asked. Mintpaw nodded his head silently and leaned on Thrushpaw's side, using that as a guide. "Duck your head." He heard Thrushpaw instruct, and he did as asked. Soon the cold air outside was replaced with a bit warmer air. Mintpaw could feel the soft moss against his pads and sniffed at the air. They were in an oak tree.

"What is this place?" He asked.

"It's a hole in the roots underneath the old oak tree. I found it when I was hunting." Thrushpaw mewed. Mintpaw nodded his head and started grooming his wet fur. Only the sound of rain slapping against the ground could be heard.

"Mintpaw, why did you run away?" Thrushpaw asked him. Mintpaw pause in his grooming and could feel tears prick his eyes.

"N-no reason. I just needed fresh air." He lied.

"Mintpaw, please." Thrushpaw mewed. His voice was laced with desperation, and Mintpaw couldn't bring himself to lie to the brown tom.

"Antpaw told me that I'm a burden to the clan." He mewed softly, his voice almost a whisper. Thrushpaw sighed and curled his tail around his friend's affectionately.

"Don't listen to that flea-brain. You're one of the most important cats in the clan. Without you, who do you think would be able to patch up the Warriors after battle, or when anyone in the clan gets sick?" Thrushpaw mewed.

"Speckledfern." Mintpaw muttered.

"Yeah, maybe. But he isn't going to live forever. And he took you on as his apprentice. Only a special few are equipped with the skills medicine cats need. And you fit that group." Thrushpaw mewed, head-butting Mintpaw's shoulder gently. Mintpaw could feel his heart raise and purred.

"Am I really that special?" He mewed with amusement. Thrushpaw purred and licked his cheek.

"You are." Mintpaw yawned tiredly and Thrushpaw chuckled.

"Lie down and get some rest." He mewed. The light grey apprentice complied gratefully and curled into a ball. It wasn't long before he felt warmth curl around him and his head shot up when the scent of his friend washed over him.

"What are you doing?!" He squeaked.

"I'm trying to keep you warm. You must be freezing. You are shivering, after all." Thrushpaw mewed with amusement. Mintpaw felt his pelt grow hot and kept silent.

"Why are you so nice to me?" He mewed softly. He craned his head towards the other apprentice, awaiting a response

"Hm? Why am I nice to you?" Thrushpaw echoed faintly. Mintpaw nodded his head and waited for a response eagerly.

"I'm nice to you because I care about you, Mintpaw." Thrushpaw mewed gently, licking the light grey tom's cheek. Mintpaw's heart leapt out of his chest and started beating rapidly.

"You care... about me?" He echoed.

"Of course. You're one of my best friends." Thrushpaw mewed. Somehow, Mintpaw was a bit disappointed at those words, but shook it off. He rested his head on his paws, his eyelids drooping with exhaustion.

"Whenever anyone is giving you any trouble, I want you to come to me, ok?" Thrushpaw mewed softly as Mintpaw yawned again and snuggled closer to the other apprentice. The rain pattered down on the ground outside and Mintpaw could smell the damp scent it produced from where he was curled up. But it was soon replaced with the sweet, familiar scent of his friend.

"Good night Mintpaw. Sweet dreams." Thrushpaw whispered, grooming his friend's shoulder. Mintpaw closed his eyes and drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

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