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Ok, before this Fanfiction officially starts, let me just give you guys some heads up.

1. No I am not dead. I've been very very sick. I had an allergic reaction to some chocolate at school a few weeks ago and I have had a small case of Phenomena. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine and getting better.

2. This story might be slightly short because I have the attention span of a goldfish. I get very bored very fast with my stories. I will ATTEMPT to finish this one unlike some of my first Fanfictions on this account. *cough cough* Fight For the Heart *Cough cough*

3. Thank you guys so much for your patience and consideration. For all of my loyal fans, you know that my mum is currently really sick. She's gotten worse but we have everything under control. So I might not update as much as I do at other times. Sometimes I just run out of ideas. *cough cough* Phan One Shots *cough cough*

Well, I'm going to go take a quick shower and, hopefully if my brother isn't on the computer, I will get to work on the official first chapter. Thank you guys again for the support.


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