Chapter 7: Party Of Dreams (And Nightmares)

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Arin's POV:
The pavement flew past my car as I made my way to the Ross's house to pick him up for the party. I was in a pink tank top with a black blazer over it. My skinny jeans were a dark gray, almost black, colour. I sighed as I drove down the dark streets. What am I doing, I thought to myself. I was tempted to turn my car and go home. I shook my head side to side. No, I had to go to this party. I couldn't stay trapped in my apartment forever, besides, I had promised Ross that I would go with him. Time passed by fairly quickly until  I turned on the radio. As soon as I hit the button and the static died down, I chocked back a sob. The song that was on was You're Beautiful. I wanted to turn off the radio, or at least change the station, but I just couldn't. Time slowed down as the words drifted in the air and to my ears. I felt a tear slip down my cheeks as I listened to the song. By the time it had ended, I was at Ross's house. I got out of my car and knocked on his door. He came out wearing a black T-shirt and black shorts. He smiled and said, "Let's go dude! We're burning moonlight!" I smiled back and got into the passenger side door. Ross got behind the wheel, pulled out of the driveway, and began to drive towards the party. I stared out the window the entire time, while Ross rambled on about work and some other crap that I wasn't really paying any attention to. I would occasionally nod or mumble just to let him know that I wasn't dead or asleep.

We finally reached the place of the party and my anxiety already was starting to kick in. There was roughly 300 people there and I knew more would soon show up. I took a deep breath and looked at Ross only to see him staring right back at me. I forced on a fake smile and nodded. "Let's go," I whispered and Ross got that same old stupid, goofy grin on his face. We stepped out of the car and began to walk to the large house. It was about four stories tall and people were already drunk and dancing like idiots. As soon as we got to the door, Ross disappeared into the crowd and I knew I wouldn't see him for at least four more hours. I sighed and made my way through the hundreds of people. I made it to the kitchen where I grabbed a bottle of wine and downed about half of it in only three large gulps. Some guys started chanting, Chug Chug Chug!!!  I shrugged and swallowed the rest of the wine that was in the bottle. One guy passed me two more full bottles that I gladly accepted and chugged. They cheered and applauded and passed me more and more bottles. I laughed and drank them all. Three girls in outfits that showed more than just a bunch of skin were hanging all over me. Of course, I tried to push them off and it actually seemed to work for a while before they came right back. I felt the wine finally start to kick in and I started laughing along with the crowd. I was having so much fun. I stumbled down the hallway, bottle in hand. I was so happy. And then I walked into the living room. And what, or rather who, I saw was about to make me even happier, even if it broke my heart even more than it already was.

Danny's POV:

I drunkly looked around, finishing off my tenth drink, or maybe it was my twentieth, hell, it could have been my hundredth. I laughed as I watched some guys get into a fight over some girl. I don't know why I was laughing, I just was. My StarBomb shirt had stains of wine, vodka, and beer on it. I had been at the party maybe 2 hours and I was drunk out of my fucking mind!

Just then, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into closet in the hallway. I tried to fight back but didn't want to throw a punch just in case it was just one of the girls that had been annoying me all evening. The closet was completely dark and I couldn't see who had dragged me in there. As soon as I was in there, whoever it was, pushed me against a wall and kissed me with so much power and lust that it seemed to light up the room, but when I looked to see who it was, the darkness still covered their face. I pushed them back, causing them to fall on the floor. I took a step forward and tripped myself and fell on top the person. I was about to apologize when the person started laughing. Their breath reeked of strong alcohol. I knew that laugh. I clumsily pulled my phone out of my pocket and pointed the light below me. There, laying beneath me was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. My breath got stuck in my throat with joy as I looked at him.

"Surprise," Arin said with his cute drunk slur and smile.

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