Chapter 3: Goodbye Grumps

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Dan's POV:
I sat on my couch with my phone in hand, listening to it ring.
I sighed in relief. I don't think I've ever been that happy to hear Ross's stupid voice instead of Arin's in all my life.
"Hey, Ross. I'm not coming into work again today."
"Dan, this is the 2nd week in a row you haven't showed up. People are gonna start to notice. You ok, mate?"
I wiped a stray tear from my face. I couldn't let Ross hear me cry. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little down. Arin can take care of everything, right?"
"He hasn't come to work ether. He hasn't even called. I'm really worried about him."
I couldn't believe it. Arin not show up for work? I had no words to say so Ross took opportunity of the silence to say what we had all been thinking.
"Dan, Game Grumps can't go on like this. I think it's time make a choice. Ether we all go back to normal or we shut it down," Ross said, obvious tears threatening his eyes. I nodded. "I know Ross. I know," my words slowly fading to a whisper. I hung up the phone and buried my face in my hands and cried. How did my life come to this? First I thought my life was all planned out. Get married to Arin, adopt some kids, and do Game Grumps forever. And here I am. Alone, afraid, and soon to be jobless. This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
I still love Arin, no matter what. I want him back but I can't. I jut need to keep my mind off of him, but trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you've never met.

Arin's POV:
I stumbled into my kitchen. I opened up my fridge and grabbed my bottle of wine. I unscrewed the cap with difficulty. Once it was open, I threw the cap across the room and listened to it hit the wall and then the floor. It's sound bounced off the empty walls. I raised the bottle and drank about 5 mouthfuls of bitter wine. It tasted terrible and it burned the back of my throat, but it was the only thing that could keep Danny off my mind. The tears began to fall again. I downed another 4 mouthfuls. I just wish I could take back everything I had said. But there's no way Dan would take me back. Not after what I did to him.

I went to get another drink but was greeted with an empty bottle. I sighed and tossed the bottle in the trash. I grabbed a beer and walked to the sofa in the living room. I opened the can and chugged it. I threw the can on the ground and stared at the ceiling. I sometimes still get that weird feeling when I don't hear Danny come down the hall or wrap his arms around me and snuggle next to me when I'm sitting on the sofa. But then I remember that he's gone.

And that it's all my fault.

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