Chapter 5: I Need To Get Out

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Danny's POV:

I finished buttoning my coat as I walked out the door. I hadn't been outside in weeks. Not since Arin and I broke up. I decided to go for a walk. I shuffled slowly down the sidewalk, looking at my feet or at the passing cars. This place seems so empty now. It's not the same. I remember when Arin and I would walk together, hand in hand, down this sidewalk. Arin would sometimes lift our linked hands as we were walking and kiss the back of my hand, causing me to giggle. I smiled at the memory. It was always one that would make me smile. Not all of the memories we shared were so happy that they would make me cry. I kept walking until I came to my and Arin's lake. Ok, so we didn't technically own the lake, but it's where most of our most memorable memories happened. Like our first date, our first kiss, and where we would go swimming in the summer. It didn't matter that I was alone. The lake looked the exact same. The water sparkled and I could see light ice forming around the edges. It looked magical with all the brown and red leaves falling in and around it. I sat down on the bench that was next to the water. This place looked the same. I looked down into the water and I could see all of the memories Arin and I had shared here. I couldn't help but smile as a tear fell from my cheek and into the water, making it ripple and the memories drift away in the moving water. Next to the bench was a tall tree. All of the leaves were gone, of course, but in the summer it would have the most beautiful leaves I've ever seen. I ran my hand along the carving Arin had made in the bark. It was a small heart with our names written in it. I hoped it would stay there like that forever.

Just then a piece of paper blew by my feet and I caught it before it fell into the water. It was a flyer for a party this weekend. It was supposed to be the biggest party of the year, with loud music, drinking, and lots of people. Any other time, I would have just shrugged and threw the paper away, but now I was considering going. It would be good for me to go and meet new people and have a night all about me and not Arin. I don't want to forget him entirely. I just want the memory of his sweet face to not make me cry every time it passes through my head. I nodded. I had made up my mind. I was going to the party. I need to get out, I thought to myself as I stared back at the water that continued to show the memories that haunt my mind everyday. Yet, somehow, seeing them reflected in the water wasn't as sad as it is when I see them in my dreams as I sleep in my cold, empty room.

Arin's POV:

I had finally fallen asleep, for the first time in two weeks. I almost didn't hear a knock on my door. I forced myself up and stumbled to across the room to the door. I opened it and there stood, none other than Ross O'Donovan.

"Hey Ross," I muttered, suppressing a burp that tasted like strong alcohol.

"Hey Ar- Wow, you look terrible."

I shrugged. Ross looked down and gasped. "What the hell happened to your hand?!" I looked down also. My hand was covered in cuts and some dried blood.

"I'm perfectly fine Ross. Nothing's wrong." My voice came out a little more defensive than I had hoped.

"Arin. I'm not as stupid as you guys think. Look, I won't question you anymore but I do need to talk to you. Can I come in?"


I gestured for him to come inside. He looked around and realized just how bad my house looked. Empty bottles and cans were on the floor along with chip bags. Ross sat down on the sofa and I joined him. "What's up," I asked him. "Listen, I know you're upset and probably not in the mood for it, but I have an idea and it just might help you," Ross said. I raised an eyebrow, and asked him what his idea was. "Look." He held up a flier for a party. "It's this weekend and I was thinking I could drag you along with me. It would get you out of the house. Maybe meet some new people and have some fun. What do ya think?" I thought it over. I don't how I feel about the crowd but Ross had a point. Maybe I could have some fun and meet some people and keep my mind off of Dan for once in weeks.


We talked for maybe 5 more minutes before Ross got a phone call and had to leave. He hugged me bye and left. I sighed as the door closed and the shadows began to close around me once more.

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