A year in review

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I know this is horror stories and all but most updates come from here.Now since I've been here a year I might as well do a year in review . So let's go.

When I came here I was working on my first book. Last Chance. Some of the things that really needed to be fixed in a new book. The second book to come was Interesting Facts. And that I miss put the category. So the nice wattpad people fixed it. And now we are on page 26 I believe. It was around Christmas, that I came up with Horror stories. Now from here from there,we are at 39 pages. With Haden appearing as a new concept,I continued all the things regularly. Within the next few weeks, Last Chance was finished. I then started making interesting facts and horror stories my main priories. With my cousin begging for the second book I wanted it to get done. So I did. Last Chance 3 might come out over thanksgiving break. But as making any book you need to have good ideas and characters.With last chance 2 being less successful. I went into hiding.

For the last year things happened. Some of which I am not proud of.

But this last year was about me moving on. So I will still be posting but when I get around to it.


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