Chapter 1: New Life, New House... New Neighbors

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I don't wanna go to school
I just wanna break the rules
Boys and girls across the world
Putting on our dancing shoes
Going to the discotheque
Getting high and getting wrecked
I don't wanna go to school
I just wanna break the rules


Right now I'm on flight 365. Okay, so it's not actually flight 365. I don't know what the fudge nuggets this flight number is. I'm just trying to sound smart.

God I hate planes...

Anyways, as you could clearly tell I'm on a plane. And where is this plane heading exactly? Well, it is heading towards Florida, where I will be living.

Oh right. You probably have no idea of what I am talking about. I am just moving from South Carolina to live in the -oh so tropical state- Florida. Why you ask? I have had a ridiculously messed up problem a while back and things haven't exactly been going peachy if you know what I mean.

You know the cliche abusive dad and what not- Everybody's got one, right?

So my mom just got married and we're moving in with her new husband, Ron, and my new little bro, Nicky. He's 11 where I am 18. I've known them for two years now and this is all I have to say-


I mean mom and Ron have been dating for about 3 years. It's really nice to see her happy with him and to be able to start a new. So much has happened in the past couple of years. It's good to finally get away.

New school, new life, new beginning.

So hopefully you now understand the wonderful life of the-

"DJ!" exclaimed my very annoying little brother. I sighed and willingly took off my beats. Gotta love be sucker right?

"Ya Nicky?" I questioned him politely. Although he could be a major pain in my butt, I still loved the little guy. I've always wanted a sibling anyways. Now that I have one, I'm not going to complain.

"Look! We're here!" He said excitedly pointing out the window. I smiled at how happy he is. He must've really missed this place.

He and Ron spent a couple of weeks back home helping us get ready to move. It's cool to see how much he loves this place. I really hope to one day have a place that I could get that excited about. Or someone to get excited about..

I peered out the window next to Nicky. As I looked outside I saw the tall buildings and beautiful beaches of Florida.

This is a good change. I say to myself as we land.


As the drive came to an end, I pulled out my earphones. Back in NC, our small town from the airport was a measly 10 minutes away. Here, it was an hour away from where we will now be living.

We came to a stop in front of a modern looking house. It was two story cream colored house, with a dark brown roof and had a beautiful front lawn.

I have visited many times in the past years and I can definitely say that I miss this place. I smiled grabbing some of my stuff making my way up the porch to the door. It was already open by the people who where taking in my mother's and my stuff.

I hurriedly walked up the steps taking a right and into the second room farthest to the end. I quickly opened the door plopping down my boxes. I smiled to myself.

I glanced around the room and it was the same as I left it. It had dark gray walls and a queen sized bed. A walk-in closet and bathroom were against the same painted wall. Then small black drawer and desk to the corner.

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