Chapter 10:Are You Gay?

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"No! We're the best twins!" Loggie exclaimed.

"No! We are!" Nehamiah objected.

"Shut it idiot." Both Liam and Jeremiah said at the same time as they smack the back of Logan and Nehamiah's heads.

"Hey!" The opposite twins said.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I'm glad both the soccer team and the guys are getting along. As expected, Sam was mainly talking to Beck about all the girls they slept with. At least, they were before I brought up Sarah, who by the way, was sitting right next to him. She got mad and punched his arm.

"Asshole." She muttered under her breath. I laughed. Grey was currently talking to the rest of the guys seeing as they were all quite boring and the same. Though, he was mainly talking to Benjie. Hmmmm...

Now I was over here with Jayden and Alex. Well, I was talking with him as Jayden just sent him glares. I rolled my eyes at him and continued talking with Alex. We were really getting along. I mean, we had the same interests and personalities. We both loved Cookies n' Cream ice cream and hated every green vegetable. We both adored little kids (which I found cute when he blush admitting this) and find heights terrifying.

"Then when we finally made it to the top it came crashing down. I think that was one of the only times I screamed like a girl." Alex finished telling the story and I was literally rolling on the ground and tears coming out of my eyes.

"Sure the only time you screamed like a girl," Jayden muttered. I ignored him.

"Ya, I remember going on the Twilight Zone of terror for the first time. I literally had my eyes closed and arms wrapped tightly around the rim. It was a horrible experience for a 9 year old." I said explaining my point of view of that oh-so-terrifying-ride.

He chuckled. I turned my head to the side and gave him a curious look. He smiled.

"I really like talking to you DJ." he said quietly. I couldn't help but blush.

"Ya me too." I say looking up at him through my eyelashes. Something changed in me and I think he noticed. I had a feeling, and I liked it.



"Well thanks for letting us come over and get to know you DJ. It was a pleasure to meet and have you part of the team." Alex said genuinely. I smiled at him.

"Well thanks for having me on the team and letting me have this opportunity Alex." I said reaching out my hand to shake his. He swiftly stuck his hand out only to wrap them around my waist. I stayed frozen for a second,  before I hugged him back.

"Shaking hands are for suckers. Your apart of the team, get used to the contact." He joked pulling away. I crinkled my nose. He chuckled at my reaction and waved.

"Goodbye D-" he smiled as he walked over. It all happened so quickly I couldn't help but laugh. He hadn't been paying attention and tripped over the stairs. He swiftly got up and laughed it off awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"B-bye DJ." he stuttered and turned back around. I noticed him face palm himself. I giggled.

"Bye Alex." I called. I slowly closed the door and leaned against it. I unconsciously bit my bottom lip.

He's really cute.

And sweet.

Shut up.

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