Chapter 11: I'm Not Like Him

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4: 10 a.m.

Alex and I are up watching movies in his room at 4 in the fudging morning.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. BUZZZZZZ-

I quickly open my phone and squint my eyes at the brightness.

Your Sexy Mother: Hey Honey! I have some really bad news. Ron and I had both been called in for work in England! Isn't that exciting? Anyways, since Nicky's Christmas break already started we are bringing him with us. I have made sure that the Walker's will come and visit you often to make sure your not wrecking the house. BTW I found out about the party, and trust me Ron got his punishment, and so will you when I return. Anyways, we are leaving early so don't expect us to be there in the morning. Ily. Idgaf. <3

After reading over I quickly smacked my head.

"What is it?" Alex asked from beside me. Last night I had spent the night over at his place. And no. Nothing happened. I slept on the couch after much arguing. I sighed and showed him the phone. After his eyes scanned over it, he looked at me with a disbelieving look and burst out laughing.

"She thinks it means 'If dogs gallop, all fall.' To her it signifies something about being alone you will fall and if you are with others, you won't fall." I murmured. Nothing more embarrassing I tell you. He continued to laugh until he was on the floor giggling his life out. I glared at him then kicked him in the stomach.

"Oh shit! I-i'm s-sorry J!" he said standing up. He whipped away stray tears and plopped back down on the bed next to me. I sent him one last look before focusing myself back on the TV.

We were currently watching Kung Fu Panda 3, and let me tell you, awesome movie. Not nearly as awesome as Sponge Bob obviously.

After a while of watching, I found myself inching closer to Alex. Keeping my eyes on the screen, I made my way even closer to him like a pro. But, I guess he did notice as he glanced at me and wrapped and arm around my shoulder.

I lightly blush, and fix myself comfortably in his arms. After a while I began dosing off. But I knew I really shouldn't be sleeping in the same bed as Alex. Every now and then, my head would start to droop before I picked it back  up.

"You can rest your head on my shoulder and sleep Jasper. It's fine really." I didn't even need to be told twice as we laid down instead on sitting on his bed. I rested my head comfortably on his shoulder and he used his free arm to turn off the TV. He then brought that arm and captured me in his warmth.

"I just want you to know that I don't judge you for the decisions you made, and if anything, I think you are really brave and strong. And if anything I like you more for it." He whispered adjusting his head into my neck. I took a sharp intake of breath brought my arms from under his to hi head. I then began to stroke his hair.

"You like me?" I said my voice raspy from the tiredness. He nodded and chuckled.

"Very much so Dawn Jasper Assad." he replied. After that I just heard light snoring.

And to think, I didn't even flinch when he said my name.


"1... 2... 3... not it!" we exclaimed loudly.

"Not it! Damn it!" was the lame response of Benjie. We all smirked triumphantly and continued on with our conversations.

Tonight, the twins'- Liam, Logan, Jeremiah and Nehemiah- were throwing a party. We were just establishing who would be the sober one at the party to kick everyone out. I then quickly look at Grey and gestured with my head towards Benjie. He sighed and spoke up.

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