Check It

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*Hey Guys. This update is just a sneak peek into my new book (not the sequel) Looking Back. This is actually the first chapter and I haven't uploaded it yet, so you guys actually get to read the first chapter early.

But I have already but up the story just not the first chapter. Anyways hope you enjoy.

Looking Back

Chapter 1: Gray Hairs

AP History.

Not a fan.

Yes, I guess I do have an A- in it, but it doesn't mean I like it. I think the only reason I actually don't flunk it is the casualness of subject's teacher, Mr. Strike. Or so I thought.

"Okay class, today we will be working on-"

Then I block him out. I can't deal with it today. It hasn't been exactly my best day. I mean, would it be a good day if it was your birthday and not only peers forget it, but your parents and twin sibling too? I don't think so.

"Ms. Levy and Mr. Matthews. Is there something more important than this class that is causing you not to pay attention?" Mr. Strike asks. My eyes widen for a second. Just a second.

"The ceiling, it's so fascinating Sir. Just look at the striking dots over the white paint." I mesmerize looking at the yellow-ish ceiling, that is honestly, not so fascinating. He raised his eyebrows.

"I see. And Mr. Matthews, your excuse." He gave a questioning look towards the back of the room. I didn't bother looking back. Probably just some kid that had people forget his birthday too.

When no answer came, Mr. Strike took out two slips.

"Both of you could head to the detention for the rest of the period and last period."  He scowled at us. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked up to Mr. S grinning.

"Aw, but Johnny, I thought you finally came around." I pouted at him jokingly. I quickly then snatched the slip out of his hand. He sighed audibly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I don't think, in my 11 years if teaching, I have come across a student who has given me as many gray hairs as you." He said slumping into his chair. I smirked and left the classroom. As I walked down the hall, I heard footsteps behind me. Probably just 'Mr. Matthews' following behind me.

As I opened the door to the detention room, I held it open for said detention buddy. Once I knew he was in, I walked inside. I slapped my slip hard against the front desk, waking up a Mr. Jack. He snorted alive and I had to place my fist into my mouth so I wouldn't cause one on my own.

He looked around frantically until he noticed me. He rolled his eyes fairly dramatically and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Welcome back Maxine. I see you're back for your fifth detention of the only three day start week." He said rather rudely. I just smirked and landed hard on a chair. I notice detention buddy sit at the back.

"And here I thought you liked my visits Howard." I shook my head laughing, crossing my feet on top of the table in front of me.

"It's Mr. Jack to you Ms. Levy. And I will warn you, one more detention and you will be suspended." He said triumphantly smirking. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my own arms over my chest.

"Oh really, Howard. That's what you've said all 89 times I've been in here. My goal is to make it to 100 by the end of this year." I grinned victoriously at him.

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