Chapter 1

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The sun lowered as twilight approached. Pink and purple filled the sky as clouds began to form. Soon, night had fallen and the clouds claimed the sky. However, the full moon shone bright through the clouds as they passed over it, causing its beautiful presence to give off an eerie feeling. Leafless trees reached to the sky and the wind blew gently. Below, in the forest, Logan wandered about slowly, cautiously eyeing the shadows as if there were something there. Occasionally, he'd hear a bush rustling in the wind or a branch snap but every time he glanced behind him, there was nothing but the darkness of the night.

Logan suddenly felt a chill run down his spine as a twig cracked nearby. It now became clear to him that he was definitely not alone out there. An unseen animal or person had to be following him. If it were an animal they were unusually curious. But it couldn't be an animal: most had left due to the cold weather approaching. It had to be a person, but who? And why? Was it for a joke to scare him? Was it to observe? Or was he being stalked? These and numerous other suggestions crossed his mind as he pressed on. 'Get it together Logan.' He thought, 'Nothing else is crazy enough to be out this time of night.' And that seemed to comfort him as he continued.

Suddenly, another branch snapped. This time, Logan's fear grew into annoyance and frustration, and possibly a hint of anger. He spun and glanced behind him. Sure enough, there was nothing there. "Whoever you are, you better hope that I don't catch you because you'll regret coming out here." He called into the darkness.

As expected, the forest grew silent again, minus the soft breeze of the wind. Minutes passed before another noise caught his attention: it sounded like scraping. With a snarl, he spun and faced the dark with no fear present. "Who are you?!" He demanded.

Much to his displeasure, another unfamiliar noise caught him off guard: a deep, rumbling growl. Fear instantly returned as he slowly turned to the side. In the shadows of the grove, he saw two glowing yellow eyes glaring right at him.

Logan's fear froze him to the spot as the beast emerged from the darkness. Grey fur covered it from top to bottom. The claws on its paws looked sharp enough to tear through him like a knife would butter. It's eyes were piercing yellow as they stared seemingly into his soul. The beast then stood up on its two hind legs and hunched in front of the tree. Logan fought every ounce to scream until suddenly, the beast threw back it's head and howled loudly into the night.

That unnatural howl is what unfroze Logan. Spinning around, Logan raced off into the trees, hoping to outrun the monster behind him. But he knew it was no use. He could hear it pursuing him. It gained on him quickly as he ran. The beast sailed through the air, lunging at Logan's head.

Logan ducked, causing the beast to miss, and ran hard. The monster recovered instantly and resumed the chase. Logan hid behind a tree and silently prayed to God that this beast, this demon, would disappear. Instinct told him to duck and as he did so, huge claws tore the bark off the dying tree.

The monster growled more as Logan ran. He tripped over a root sticking out of the ground, causing him to fall to the ground. Groaning, he rolled into his back. The beast neared him and prepared to lunge. It's claws were glinting in the moonlight as he drew closer. Before he could react, the beast launched itself into the air and aimed it's powerful jaws at Logan's throat.

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