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His desk was covered in objects, but only one caught my attention. It was a little back notebook stuffed with several pictures.
I took advantage of Justin being in the bathroom to look at it. One of the pictures was hanging out of the notebook, showing part of the image. I recognized it immediately: it was a picture of us.
Why did he still have it in his hotel room? It was a very old picture and he had absolutely no reason to keep it.

I still remembered that day vividly and seeing that picture again made me realize how happy I was when we were together, how we didn't care about anything and anyone as long as it was just Justin and me. I would've given anything to go back in time.

I smiled at the picture and he must had noticed that because I felt him staring at me, which surprised me because I thought he was still in the bathroom.
I opened my mouth to talk, but he beat me on that.
"Do you remember that day?" he asked in a calm voice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look at your personal stuff" I replied, putting the picture back into the notebook.
"It's okay Selena. That's not just my personal stuff, it's ours" he said, getting closer and closer to me.
I could feel my heart beating fast but I tried to play it cool, looking away. I hated avoiding his eyes, but I couldn't stand the idea of him seeing my teary eyes.
I took a deep breath, trying to swallow the huge lump in my throat and smiled at him.

Justin's POV
I could tell she was hurt and I knew it was my fault. I never actually forgave myself for hurting her feelings and I still hadn't been able to figure out how she could still share a room with me after all I had done to her. I was thankful for her and glad she accepted to meet me, but I knew she wasn't happy.

She gave me a sad smile, which broke my heart. She was doing her best to hide her sadness, but I could see it in her eyes. It was like her heart was trying to send me a message. I didn't want her to feel empty and lonely because of me. I wanted to be able to see her true smile. I wanted to tell her that I was sorry and an asshole for playing with her feelings, but it was so hard. We had never been good at talking about our feelings, we'd rather talk about some random shit instead.

"Listen... There's this party tonight. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I'd like to see you there." I asked, caressing the back of my neck back and forth.
I was honestly hoping for a negative answer, or better, a different answer. I didn't want to go to that stupid party, I just wanted to hang out with Selena, only the two of us, but I guess it was too late for that.

Selena's POV
A party? Why would I want to go to a party with you? Why would I want to see you making out with some random model? Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with you!
I just wanted to yell at his face. That was such a stupid question and if I had been brave enough I would have left the room immediately. But I couldn't let him know that I still had feelings for him.
I faked a smile and accepted.
He widened his eyes looking at me with a confused look. I gave him the same look and he shook his head saying it was gonna be cool. Was that the only word in his vocabulary?

"Send me a message telling me the address and I'll see you there" I said in a low voice, staring at my feet.
I couldn't take it anymore, I just wanted to end the conversation and leave.

I immediately turned around, not giving him any time to say anything. I was about to reach the door, when I felt his warm hand wrapping around my left wrist. As I looked down at his hand, he pushed me closer to him, making me flinch.

We looked into each other's eyes for a good 10 minutes without making any sound. Not knowing what was going to happen next, I bit my lower lip and looked away. I was about to say goodbye, when he pulled me even closer and engulfed me in a tight hug.
His chest was once again pressed onto mine. I could feel him breathing in my ear, which reminded me of all the times he had fallen asleep on me.

"So I'll see you there. Promise me you will come" he whispered in my ear, tightening the hug even more.
"I promise" I said back, pulling away.

He then let go of me, looked at me one last time and opened the door for me. I couldn't stop but smiling.
It was little things like this that made me fall in love with him. He put so much effort into everything he did, he was always so careful and would make sure to protect me at all costs.
I didn't expect him to open the door at all and even if it was just a little gesture it still made me happy.
He closed the door behind my back and I started making my way to the elevator.

I need new clothes. There's gonna be everyone tonight and I don't wanna be wearing the same old stuff, I thought.
Before going home, I stopped by a few shops and tried on as many dresses as possible.
I wanted to look good, I needed to look good. It had been a tiring and stressful day, filled with emotions and old memories and I just wanted to forget about everything and have fun.
I actually didn't mind going to the party, I felt like I needed some distraction.

After trying on a thousand dresses, I went for something simple but still classy: a black and white striped turtleneck sleeveless shirt, a pair of black jeans and black high heels.
I was also going to wear a pair of dark sunglasses, just in case the lightening would be too bright.

I winged my eyeliner and applied some nude lipstick.
I put my hair up in a tight low bun and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
I looked stunning, but I wasn't trying to impress anyone but myself. Well, maybe I was also trying to look good for him, but I didn't want to admit it.

Before heading to the door, I went to my closet to find the perfect purse to go with my outfit.
While wandering my eyes around the dark room, I saw something that made me furrow my eyebrows.
I picked it up and looked at it up and down.
It was a tiny v-neck dress.
I almost forgot about this dress, I thought.
It was black and tight and out of all the dresses I owned, it was Justin's favorite.
I looked at it one more time, before starting to take off my casual outfit to put that dress on. I paired it with some black high heels and picked a random black purse.

Justin's POV
I was nervous, the party had been going on for an hour and I still hadn't seen her.
She promised she'd come, I kept repeating to myself.

I was surrounded by so many people and they were starting to get on my nerves. I didn't like it when people invaded my personal space.
They kept asking me questions about my new music and all I could say was soon. I wasn't even paying attention to their words because I was focused on only one thing, one person.

"Oh my god why's she here"
"I thought trashcans weren't invited"
"This is a private party why the fuck is she here? She's going to ruin my night"
I heard some models speaking shit about someone else, and I couldn't figure out who it could be. They were probably talking about some model they were jealous of. Man, I was fucking hating the party.

My manager Scooter came up to me with a weird look on his face.
"Yo man, everybody's freaking out over Selena. Who invited here?" 
My heart stopped. She's here.
"Where is she?" I asked staring at him.
"I don't know man I just heard people talking ab-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. I left him and started walking fast around the room, looking for her.

There she is, I thought, not realizing I had actually said it out loud, causing people to look at me. Idiots.

She was wearing a beautiful skin-tight dress and her hair up in a low bun. She looked so good.


Hey guys! I know this chapter is long but I wanted to make sure y'all could picture every single scene in your minds! I'm so excited for the next chapter. Do you guys think they're going to talk?
And any of you spotted any Good For You references? :P

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