17. So Much Confusion

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Hey guys, please please go read a new book I'm working on with @wizzyme109. The story is called "Fixed Feelings" and its a Stelena fanfic. It's under a different account called 'Mashed_account'.

Okay, anyways back to this story.

17. So Much Confusion


I swear Stefan wasn't making sense. I thought he was mumbling up the words. Did I actually hear right? Did Elena actually get bite and Caroline bite her? Did she really turn off her emotion?

"Stop talking!" I shouted as I took a breather "What do you mean Caroline bite Elena?"

"She bite her! Okay," Stefan anger grew more

"Why? How?" I asked

"Weren't you just listening? Caroline turned off her emotion" Stefan shouted. I closed my eyes trying to take everything in. I nodded my head

"Where's Elena? Is she okay?" I asked making him nod.

"Where is Caroline?" I suddenly asked and the door flew open and Klaus came storming in.

"She's gone" Klaus said as he took a seat on the nearby chair.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Stefan asked

"I talked to her, and she left" Klaus said sounding hurt. Stefan sigh and walked to him

"I'm sorry,man." Stefan said I scrunch my nose and looked at them confused

"Since when did you guys become pal? Last time I checked, he forced you to turn it off and make you attack Elena!" Stefan rolled his eyes and Klaus got up.

"That was the past...now,if you don't mind. We are in the present so, don't make me snap her neck" Klaus Growled making me chuckle

"Try it." I spat causing Klaus to come forward but Stefan stopped him.

"Don't fight!" Stefan tells us both.

"Haha, Always the little brother protecting the big brother. I always knew I liked Stefan then you. Your lucky your still alive after all these times. I could kill you but won't since it will affect my friendship I rather not" Klaus admit making my blood boil.

"Enough guys! I don't need this" Stefan tells us making me look away from Klaus.


I walked to Elena bedroom, knocking on the door, I see Elena sleeping but she woke up once she saw me. She welcomed me in and I sat down on the edge of her bed. The mattress was soft and the blanket was fluffy.

"I heard" I tell her softly

"About?" She answered softly

"About Caroline biting you." She rolled her eyes and turned the other way

"I don't want your sympathy..." She muttered.

"I'm sorry" She widen her eyes and looked at me, she looked shocked.

"What?" She looked confused

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I-I was just hurt that you left--"

"--It's okay!" She mumbled "I know, and it's okay. You fell in love with someone else...it's fine. I'm fine" Elena tells me making me smile,

"Thank you" I tell her as she laughs and hugs me as I return the favor and hug her back.


I smiled widely, as I pressed the man to the wall, my tongue entering his mouth as we played and experimented on each other. We made our way to the hotel room, I dropped him down on the bed, I took off my shirt leaving me in my bra as I hovered Over the man, he takes off his shirt and pressed his lips to mine.

"Mm" I said between kisses.

I bite his bottom lip and he started to bleed.

"Ow, D-did you just bite me?" He wondered as I see the beautiful red liquid running down his lips. I bite my bottom lip and kissed his lips as I started sucking on it, Hard.

"Ow" he whined as we broke apart, my veins started to show at the bottom of my eyes and his eyes widen.

I got off of him as he ran screaming for his life. I vampire speeded towards him and covered his mouth as I brought him back to the room. I made him stare into my eyes as I compelled him.

"You will go into my bag, take the cuffs and tie yourself to the bed and you will not scream but you will stand still" I tell him. He nods and walks to my bag and obeyed what I told him.

Once he finished, I crawled to him and giggled as I started to kiss him. I brought my lips to his neck as I compelled him to stretch it a little more. Once he did, I sunked my fangs into his neck.

The sensation was viral, I absolutely loved the taste of blood. Moaning as I sucked more until he was full out done, I got off and licked my lips and giggled. I put on my shirt and grabbed my bag as I made my way towards the door and firmly closed it as I walked away.

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