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Emma's POV:

I walked inside my house disappointed and mad Alex would not talk to me about yesterday. I barely got to the kitchen before I decided, I was going to talk to him about it. Whether he wanted to or not.

Quickly running out the door I got on my bike. I made sure I didn't catch up with Alex, even though I could not even see him ahead of me.

I was glad that the way to Alex's house was easy to remember. After about 20 minutes of pedaling fast I decided to cool down, and started pedaling slower.

When I reached Alex's neighborhood, I looked for his street. Once I saw Alex's bike next to the side of the house, I made my way over.

Setting my bike next to his I walked over to the door. Knocking on the door I let out of a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Footsteps came to the door and carefully opened it to show a woman holding a baby and a purse.

"Hi Mrs. Nichols, can I talk to Alex?" I politely asked, being sure to smile at the end.
"Um.. Sure sweetie, he is in his room. It is down the hall, second door to the left. Could you tell him I'm going to the store?"

"Yes ma'am, I'll tell him. Thank you by the way." I replied stepping inside the house and following her directions.

When I came to the door I assume that led to Alex's room, I paused on knocking. I decided to carefully open the door.

Soon after the door was open I heard the light sound of music playing.
My eyes shifted around the room until they came upon the bed, and the figure laying in the bed.

His eyes were closed and his hands were behind his head. The music seemed to be coming from his iPod, the music must've been loud because  I could hear the faint sound of it.

I carefully walked over to the bed. I took in Alex's features when his face was relaxed. I realized I was staring like a creeper, so I shook my head to get out of it.

Before I knew what my hands were doing, they were on him and shaking.
When Alex opened his eyes he had the look of pure terror etched across his face.

Taking out his head phones, I could tell he was still staring at me seriously and confused.
"Emma, why are you here? You're like invading my house"

"Um- yeah" I chuckled nervously
"Um- I decided I wanted to talk whether you want to or not"
I replied trying to sound confident.

Sighing he responded "Fine, sit down. Let's get this over with."
I smiled. Finally we were getting somewhere.


So it's later than I said it would, but here it is!
I won't update till Friday cause I have a very hectic week.

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