Accidents happen. Cheating is not an accident.

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"Crown Princess Amelia" King Lao calls as I bow.

"It was an honor to have you as our guest in our palace, it is not everyday we receive a heroes like yourself, your highness" King Lao says, I bow.

"It was a privilege to have been invited to such beautiful and magnificent palace, thank you, your majesty" I say, King Lao smiles.

"Prince Nicolai, it was lovely to see you again, please, do not be a stranger, do visit us more often" King Lao says, Prince Nicolai bows.

"Thank you, your majesty, I will take his majesty on his invitation, and make a soon return" Prince Nicolai says.

"I wish both of his highness and her highness a safe trip back him with the hope of receiving good news" King Lao says and we bow.

"Thank you, your majesty" we say, King Lao nods as he retires.

We are finally going home.




"Prince Nicolai, Princess Amelia, welcome back" Secretary Roberts greets as he bows. 

Come on, we just returned, can his majesty gives a minute to settle down?

"Thank you, Secretary Roberts, I assume his majesty is eager to listen to the good news" Prince Nicolai says.

"His majesty is currently resting, but yes, his majesty as requested me to retrieve the results of his highness and her highness's trip" Secretary Roberts says.

We frown "Resting? Is his majesty feeling ill?" Prince Nicolai asks.

"A simple headache, your highness, nothing too serious" Secretary Roberts answers.

We sigh "I will deliver a full report of our trip, but in advance, you can tell his majesty we have succeeded, any news on how Prince Maximilian did?" Prince Nicolai asks.

"His highness did came with excellent news" Secretary Roberts answers, I smile, he is here, I will be able to see him.

"Where is his highness?" I ask.

"His highness is not Elareudland, his highness was scheduled to return to Thailand to close a deal, his highness will be back in a few days" Secretary Roberts answers, I sigh.

Why when it comes to Obnoxious, I am always disappointed?




If I have known that been in love would bring me so much worry, I would have done my best and everything in my power to never fall in love. I have been worrying about Obnoxious for weeks, while I was with my family, I did not thought much of him, well, my family was the perfect distraction, but when I returned to the palace, there is nothing to distract me from worrying about him, which is not pleasing at all.

Lady Miranda informed me 2 days later I returned from China that Obnoxious had returned from his trip, I used my break from lessons to go see him, but I couldn't because Obnoxious had returned to Elareudland, but not to the place, because he had other appointment and he was going to stay in Elesbury for a few days.

Here we are a few days later and I still have seen Obnoxious, at this point starting to believe he is not alive.

"Your highness, Elareudland's museum desires to do an exhibition of the painting sent to them that was made by her highness" Lady Miranda says, bringing me back from my Obnoxious thoughts, I frown.

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