Chapter 15

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Rina's P.O.V.

While we were enjoying the scenery before us, Gaara pulled me close to him. Nuzzling his face into my neck, I soon feel his soft lips brushing against my neck and giving small tender kisses. I smile softly feeling as if we were two puzzle pieces finally being connected together. After a while we both decide to pack up our belongs and walk home. The trip was quick, taking us a total of ten minutes. I unlock the door ready to greet the two teenage boys living with me. As the door fully opens, I am greeted with the two of them on the floor wrestling. I look back at Gaara with a raised brow. He shrugs while chuckling at their childish behavior. I shake my head and clear my throat gaining their attention.

"Hello boys! I see you guys have been staying busy while we were off on our date." A bright smile reaching my lips.  Seeing Sasuke and Naruto back in their element together brings back so many great memories. That reminds me, I wonder if team seven is going to get back together since Sasuke is back. I mean there is still team Kakashi with Sai. Has Lady Tsunade been considering this? That also leads me to wonder when the interrogation is going to take place. I should speak with Lady Tsunade regarding all of this. I was shaken out of my thoughts by my brother's rambling.

"Well Sasuke was the one that started it over here. He has just been a jerk and acting arrogant the entire time!" I laugh and shake my head.

"Sasuke you know how Naruto gets when you taunt him." He rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Not my fault he acts like an idiot all the time." Naruto shoots him a dirty look.

"I am not an idiot! The only idiot here is you!"

"Alright that's enough you too! There is no need to continue the argument. Now I'm going to take a quick shower. After that would you all like to go to Ichiraku's for dinner? It'll be my treat." They both give me enthusiastic looks. Naruto and Sasuke got up with pure excitement scrambling to their own rooms to get ready. I turn to face Gaara gaining his attention.

"I'm going to take that shower now.." I look down a rose due dusting my cheeks. "You can hang out in my room while I shower.. Only if you want to though." I feel a finger under my chin encouraging me to make eye contact with him. His cheeks just as flushed as mine, he gives me a soft nod.

"I would like to stay in your room." A shy smile makes it way to my lips. I grasp onto his hand and bring him to my bedroom. Once we got to my room, I closed the door and lock it. I go to my dresser grabbing clean clothing and make my way to my conjoined bathroom. Once I closed the bathroom door, I began ridding myself of my clothing. I turn on the water and wait for it to heat up. Soon stepping in enjoying the warmth of the droplets cascading down me. As I finish the shower I dry myself up and get dressed. Once I finished getting ready, I walk out of the bathroom to see Gaara laying in bed facing me with his eyes closed. I smile softly walking over to him. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. I appreciate everything about him and the love he so passionately gives. I softly brush some of his locks out of his face and whisper softly to him.

"Gaara, I'm ready we can start going." His eyes soon flutter open a warm, loving smile graces his lips. Nodding he starts getting up to head to the bedroom door. We soon leave the bedroom making our way to the front door. Turning the corner I see Naruto an Sasuke chatting it up in the living room. I clear my throat which gains their attention.

"Are you guys ready to go? I'm starving." The both quickly get up and scramble to the door to put their shoes on.

"Rina, Gaara! Hurry up! Ichiraku's is waiting for us and there is some really good ramen that has my name written all over it!" Naruto exclaims. I shake my head and we follow the two goofballs behind. Once we got to Ichiraku's, we all sat down with Naruto and Gaara sitting on both sides of me. Sasuke was sitting next to Naruto. We all order the ramen of our choice and start eating with pleasure. Ass we continue our meals, Kakashi Sensei came up to us with an urgent look on his face.

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