Maybe Just a Little

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Chapter 2!! Hope y'all like it.


I drag myself out of bed. Thank god it's Friday. I do my usual morning routine and head to school.

"Today better be a good day." I say more to myself. I go to my homeroom and wait for Rowen. When I see her she's outside the door sucking face with her boyfriend, Ross.

Ross is Preston's best friend. And Rowen is mine. The only thing is, is that Preston and I only started talking last night. So, as you can see there's a problem.

"Hey, hun!" Rowen exclaims as she takes a seat next to me.

"Hey!" I say back. Trying to not be disgusted by the sight I just saw.

"Ross is throwing a small party next Friday," she begins. "You, me, him, Preston, and a couple other people. You should come! You and Preston could actually meet a bit better!"

I sigh. "Rowen. Even though the idea just thrills me, I don't think Preston really wants to "know" me. I mean, who would?"

"Everyone, you idiot." She retorts. "You're going."

"Whatever." I laugh. She really thinks she can make me go, doesn't she?


After school I drive to Starbucks. I know, I know. Typical white girl.

Oh, well. I was meeting up with Rowen, Ross, and Preston.

I was the first person there. Figures. I order mine and Rowens drinks and wait.

Finally, they show up. I had Rowen her drink and the boys order theirs.

Weird right?

"Cooper." I hear my best friend try to grab my attention. "We need to talk. Sleepover at my place."

"Yea, ok." I say nonchalantly

Preston sits down right in front of me and smiles.

"Hey, Coop." He says as he takes a drink of his Starbucks.

"Hi, Preston." I say trying to not smile.

We chat and catch up for a while before we leave. A few hours later, I'm at Rowens and, as usual she's talking about Ross.

"Anyways, we gotta talk." She takes a breath. "Preston likes you!"

I look up.

"No way." I nod my head in disbelief

"Cooper, he does. He told Ross and Ross told me." She says trying to make me believe it.

I smile. "Can I tell you something?"

She nods. "Yep!"

"I like him too." I say breathing out.

"WHAT?!?!" She asks

"I like Preston..maybe just a little"



Chapter 2! This is bad, but it's just a filter.

Chapter 3 might be up tonight!


I love you all.(:

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