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The second week of back to school classes started at the 18th of January 2016. The known Moon Ji-hyo, one of the school's best dancers, was now the center of talk for being seen around her classes looking like a walking puppet. Her eyes were always staring ahead, lifeless, expression blank, actions seemed like they were thrown away carelessly as if she had nothing left to lose.

Jihyo very much knew the value of the things she still had in possession, but she couldn't really let that thought sink in while the wound Kai left was still fresh. He walked away and took the life out of her body, and Jihyo carried through her days with a practiced routine she perfected in years... just, less color.

Her feet halted by the bulletin and she was oblivious of the eyes that observed her actions – or at least, she was trying to be. She didn't want to look anymore but she couldn't help the turning of her head to see the October program pictures, only to have her heart broken – if that was still possible – when she realized that they were replaced with new photos of events that happened more recently. Exams outside of school, contests... anything but Kai and her holding onto each other as the performance ended.

Jihyo's face remained blank and she thought that was an advantage. Her emotions couldn't function properly and no one would have the power to judge. No one would see if she was happy or sad or angry, or suffering from probably the most painful problem she ever faced.

Soon, a certain brunette stopped beside her and greeted. Jihyo was too drained to return it.

"I had them removed. Your pictures, I mean." Inna uttered softly. Jihyo didn't speak. "Are you angry? I just don't want anything in this place to remind you of him, Jihyo. You're my friend and I want you happy again."

"I'm not angry, Inna." The blonde whispered. "Thank you for thinking about me. I can't feel happiness right now, but I guess what you did will help."

Inna nodded and was about to say something, but got interrupted by a boy running towards them with a big grin.

"Noona!" Taeyong called. "Jihyo noona, sorry I couldn't talk to you right away. I had to finish some stuff. But look!"

The freshman held a square case up and the light-haired girl kept her straight face, making Taeyong's smile falter for a second. Inna asked about the object to save the tension creeping up on the atmosphere around them, making it hard to breathe for Jihyo.

"This is a gift for the new year, noona. It's your last two months here before you graduate and I just want to share as much music as I can with you." The boy held it out. "It's full of ballads. You can slow-dance to them."

Taeyong laughed a little and that's when Jihyo appeared lonelier than ever. Her eyes began to sting and Inna had no idea what to do.

"He loves ballads." Jihyo was almost inaudible. Taeyong was confused.

The brunette could only accept the disc from the boy and promised to give it to Jihyo when she turned and went to her next class in a hurry.



Kai went home on the afternoon about two hours after the rest of K did and all he earned were curious stares from the bunch – except for Kyungsoo – sitting around the lounge in front of a TV show. He knew very much that they weren't paying attention, just bored enough to stare at the screen before dinner was ready and they could all hide in their bedrooms to end the day.

He didn't go to school, partly from Friday sickness and partly because he was so bothered by the vase full of red roses in the kitchen that he just had to gaze at it all day. Kai could only think and keep his words to himself, never asking why it was there or who placed them in that spot when everyone in the house knew who gave them. They were a deep red color this morning, almost black, petals dry and crispy.

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