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Somewhere in between spacing out and being completely focused on thoughts, Jihyo stared at her blinking phone next to her on the bed and gripped tighter at the trinket on hand, a piece of metal carved into an insect. Its blue rear was beaming with the light reflecting on it but she was just too lonely to give it a bit of admiration.

Soon, she picked the gadget up and checked a message sent to her. Hey, it's Inna. I'm going back to our province for the holidays and I want to hang out with you before I do. Are you in the mood for coffee?

Jihyo took her own sweet time on letting the text sink in. Perhaps it was just loneliness that willed her fingers to type and bite onto the offer. It might be better than staying at home and sulking all day. Just us?

I asked Taemin but he's already out of town. I guess this is girls' day.

You have a car, right? Jihyo asked. Can you pick me up? It's hard to commute during winter break.

Sure. I'll be there in twenty minutes or so.

Thank you.

And it sure was girls' day. Inna's car windows were closed and Jihyo squinted at the glass, trying to make out her face on the smooth surface. She looked terrible with the colors of the scenery passing by as background and dreaded the thought of seeing herself in an actual mirror.

Strangely though, she couldn't care less about her appearance. Jihyo glanced down at the thick coat she wore over an old shirt and jeans and reminded herself that she was still alive and breathing. That's all it was: a reminder. She had no intention of making it better.

"What's that in your hand?" Inna asked and Jihyo had to look away. Sometimes, reminders are painful and the hairpin she had was very much so. "You've been clutching that thing ever since you went out of your lair."

Quickly, Jihyo shoved it in her pocket and Inna noticed the commotion. She stepped on the brake slowly as they parked.

"Are you alright?" The brunette's tone was of concern and nothing more. Jihyo shook her head in response. "We'll talk about it over coffee, okay?"

"Thanks for getting me out of that place." Jihyo mumbled and the engine stopped. "I needed to see a friend."

"You're always welcome, Jihyo." Inna smiled sweetly. "Let's go inside now."

Jihyo's head was bowed down and had Inna never elbowed her as they walked in, the blonde wouldn't have noticed another reminder. It brought her the most pain so far but she was keeping her expression blank as to not alarm the brunette. Inna placed a hand on her shoulder and asked her what she wanted.

"Eiskaffee and a cinnamon roll... please." Jihyo uttered. "I'll go find seats while you order."

There were surprisingly a lot of people inside the coffee shop, most probably because of the weather, but Jihyo found the spot empty. She sat down on the familiar area and pulled her phone out. There was nothing to see. Soon, Inna came back with a number and a receipt.

"We might have to wait a few minutes." Inna smiled, sitting across from her. Jihyo simply replied with a nod and stared at the cars outside, screaming in her head at how ridiculous she was for reenacting a scene months ago. The only difference, really, was the company.

Inna didn't speak and Jihyo was silently thankful for her giving space. Not long after, their orders arrived and she almost wanted to curse.

"Okay, talk to me." Inna smiled, sipping on her cup of coffee after noticing how Jihyo's face changed once more. "What's bothering you?"

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