Chapter 6

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Dedicated to the annoying Emma, who is "amazing, brilliant, fantastic, beautiful and awesome" but most of all a liar. lol I hate you xoxo


Ashley's POV

*knock knock*


Meh fuck off.

Not in the mood.


"Okay okay I'm coming!"

I jumped out of bed and walked down stairs in to the living room, to see my parents and Miranda sitting on the couches.

Miranda? Um da fuq.

"Um heeeyyy"

"Oh Ashley, just the person I was looking for."

"Um what for"

"Come on I'm taking you out. We need to catch up. Haven't seen you in ages."

I looked to my parents for help.

"Go on Ashley, you need to catch up as you haven't seen each other in a long time."

Wow, great help there.

"Okay. I'll just get changed."

I ran upstairs and threw on shorts, shirt and some thongs grabbing my purse and phone on the way out.

I checked my phone going down the stairs.


Niall couldn't even text me or call me back.

"Yay! Come on let's go." Miranda cheered.

We walked outside and saw a car on the driveway which I assumed was Miranda's. I have no idea what brand or anything I'm no expert. I think it was a Toyota, but honestly I have absolutely no idea.

"Hurry up and get in." the dog demanded.

"Sorry" I muttered

I hopped in the car (not literally because I don't think that's even possible) and took a look around. Wasn't too bad but I guess you didn't really need much for a car but hey that's just me.

"That shirt is so not your colour." she scoffed.

"I wasn't exactly planning on going out. Where are we going?"

"We're just going to have a little chat, that's all."

"I said where not what are we doing."

"That's none of your business."

"I think it is being that I'm here and I'm going with you."

"Just shut up okay. Oh my god you're so annoying."

"What is your problem? We used to be really close?"

"Well we would still be close if I hadn't ki- I mean if you hadn't come back and tried to steal my boyfriend."

"I'm not trying to 'steal your boyfriend'"

"Then why was he at your house?"

"Because he invited me to his house and I needed to get changed out of my uniform."

She stopped the car as we pulled up to what seemed like an old factory. She started getting out of the car so I followed.

"Um why are we here to have a little chat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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