Chapter 2

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Author's note: Sorry I haven't posted in agessssssss. Hopefully this will make up for it but I have no idea seeing as I'm on my iPad and it doesn't show how many pages. Also you may or may not have noticed that I changed the character's name to Ashley. It was originally named after someone I know, as she wanted it to be named after her, but we don't talk anymore so it is now Ashley! Enjoy! x


"ASHLEY! HEY ASHLEY WAIT UP!" I heard a voice yell. I turned around and saw Niall running towards me.

"Hey what's up?" I said casually.

"The roof." *insert me rolling my eyes. "I've been calling your name for ages!"

"Oh, sorry zoned out I guess. What have you got now?"

"It's k. Erm s&e with Ms Stanford. And you?" he said trying to finish what looked like homework.

"Yeah same. You naughty boy, not doing your homework." I said jokingly, shaking my head.

"Hey! I bet you didn't do yours either!"

"Hay is for horses, and of course I didn't idiot I only started today!" I said laughing, to which Niall blushed and mumbled something along the lines of "forgot" and "oops" and "sorry".

God I'm starting to love this boy.

"So, what's Ms Stanford like?" I asked curiously.

"Your worst nightmare." Niall said creepily. I think he was trying to scare me, that mission failed.

"What is she really like?"

"Well you're about to find out." He said grinning and pointing behind me. There was a woman standing there that I assumed was Ms Stanford. She looked nice enough, and quite young. As soon as we got inside, my opinion completely changed. She made me stand up in front of the class, and tell everyone my favourite things. e.g. music, movies, books, colours etc.

It was so embarrassing, I was planing the whole time, how I could kill her, without making much of a mess. But luckily class went quickly, and I literally ran out of class, only to meet the laughing face of Niall.

"Woah hold up! I'd rather not have a broken nose!" Niall said loosing his balance.

"Oops sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good thanks haha. How are you?"

"Tired haha."

"NIALL BABY! I MISSED YOU!" I heard Miranda before I saw her. She ran towards Niall and started to make out with him, right in front of me.

"Er.. Um.. Well I better go" I mumbled and quickly walked away.


Niall's POV

"NIALL BABY! I MISSED YOU!" Oh god. Not Miranda. Especially since I was around Ashley. Miranda can be sooo clingy sometimes! Especially since Ashley moved back. I don't even want to be dating here. It's only because her dad got me the gig on XFactor. Just a couple more months until I'm free.

I heard Ash mumble something and then saw her leave. I pulled away from Miranda and went to go after Ashley, but she was pulling me back.

"Where do you think you're going? If you still want that gig you will come back here and not go after the slut."

Oh shit, possessive much? But I guess I don't really have a choice. She just called Ashley a slut? I thought they were best friends?! I will never understand girls. They always change their emotions! Its so bloody confusing!

"You know I want that gig and that's why I'm here, otherwise I wouldn't even talk to you. and I know you know that. So lets make a deal you stop acting so 'lovey dovey' and act how you would with another guy. So no 'BABY I MISSED YOU' because you obviously haven't. You don't need to layer it on that thick. It's not needed and it makes us look as fake as we actually are. And you don't want that do you? Thought not. So how about you go run off to your friends and I'll go to mine and act normal. Do you know what that means?" I said sternly.

She nodded looking shy.

"Good. Now I'm going to go enjoy my lunch without you following me everywhere and clinging on to me like cling-wrap." I said and walked off.

I saw Ashley sitting by herself at a table in the cafeteria, so I went and sat next to her.

She looked up, "Oh hey Niall. How are you?" She said with a big grin on her face, wow she's a stunner. Her blue eyes are like the colour of the sky when theres no clouds, and her beautiful long, wavy, brown hair suits her perfectly.

Oops she's staring at me waiting for an answer. "Oh hey sorry, zoned out. I'm good thanks hows the first day of school going?"

"Its alright. Definitely didn't miss it though," she said laughing, her eyes sparkling. "Where's Miranda? I thought she'd be with you?"

I laughed nervously "I don't spend all my time with her! Its good to get a break now and again."

She nodded, looking like she understood. We sat there talking for most of lunch, with a few pauses, now and again when we would take a bite of our food.

When the bell finally went, I was disappointed as I was actually having quite a lot of fun with Ashley. We talked about everything from our most embarrassing moment to our weirdest dream.

As I headed off to math, I saw Tiffany. Oh great.

"Niaaaaaall! How are you handsome?" Can she not see that I am obviously NOT interested in a relationship with a slut?!

"Tiffany I have already told you. I am in a relationship! I have a girlfriend!"

"I'll only tell if you tell" she said winking.

"Tiffany just fuck off honestly. I don't like you, and I never will, as long as you're a whore."

With that she looked shocked and stormed off. It was rude but hopefully she will leave me alone now.


Ashley's POV

I've only been at school for what, like 4? Maybe 5 hours? And I'm already sick off it! I wish I could go home already! I am so tired, didn't get much sleep last night. Couldn't sleep worrying about if I would have any friends, or if anyone would like me.

I had drama next, and to be honest I didn't feel it the mood. But I had an alright class, so I didn't mind as much. I walked into class, and we were already partnered up with people. I was with some guy named Dylan Bishop. He was alright looking, but he had a really bad BO, no wonder I was stuck with him. I'm assuming the partners were sorted before I started back here.

Miranda and Niall were together, but Niall seemed out of it. It seemed that we were working on little plays that we will be performing in a couple of weeks. I was supposed to be playing a fitness instructor, that had fallen in love with one of her pupils. Oh and to add to that, there was a kiss. Are you kidding me?! A KISS?! I am not kissing Dylan. Nope. No way. No kissing. None. Nada. Nil. Zero.

After class was finished I heard a voice that sounded a lot like Niall's say. "Ashley, I really like you. Really really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?"


Author's Note: Ooooooo looks like we have a cliffhanger here.....

What will she say? Will it be a yes? Or maybe a no?

Find out next time in Let Me Love You...

hehe that sounded like a TV show :P

I will try to update another chapter either tonight or over the weekend, but I'm not making any promises!

And if you are reading this can you please Vote, Comment, Fan or whatever so I know someone is reading my story! Pleeeeeeeeeease! :P

Naomi xx

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