Welcome to Amity Park, Koji Minamoto

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Twelve and a half hours was how long the flight took from her home.

Twelve and a half hours to do nothing as she waited for the flight to end.

Twelve and a half hours of keeping to herself and wonder what her life would be like living abroad.

Fourteen-year-old Koji Minamoto had half a day to remember the good times with her brother and herfriends whose living in Shibuya.

Her father had gotten a job offerbecoming a vice president of Axion Laboratory. Her father's old friend, who is the president, wanted to hire him as his vice president. Kousei Minamoto practically jumped at the offer. His wife, Satomi, congratulated him. Koji, his only daughter, didn't have the heart tosay how upset she is, instead she gave him an encouraging smile andsay "I'm proud of you, Dad." The next thing she knew her thingswere packed and she was already on her way to her new home. It wasn'teasy saying goodbye to her friends who she come to grow fond of, butseparating from her twin brother breaks her heartstrings even more.She doesn't want to separate with Koichi. She just reunite with himand two years wasn't enough.

"Koji; wake up, sweetheart, we've arrived at our new home", she hears her father's familiarJapanese voice, jolting her from her slumber. Oh yeah, she forgot sheand her folks were in the car heading straight to their new house.She opens her sapphire eyes to see a three story grayish brick housewith velvet rooftop tiles. The short stairway was clean cement withswerve iron railings. A bay window was perched on the east wing onthe first floor. The door was dark gray with a platinum knocker; asmall roof was over it. The Minamoto family steps out of their rentalcar. "She is a beauty, isn't she?" her father asks in admiration.Koji believes it was more of a rhetorical question than an upfrontone.

"If I didn't know any better I say you were in love with our house, Kousei", her stepmotherteasingly gesture.

Kousei wrapped his arm around Satomi'swaist. "What are talking about? You were heads over heel in lovewith it as soon as you saw the picture. And for your information,your beauty stands out more than a five million dollar mansion."He tenderly kisses her neck.

"Kousei, not outside!" Sheharshly whispers, yet she giggles girlishly. "What if someonesees us?"

"It's natural for a married couple to cuddle", Kousei retorts.
Koji rolls her eyes andlooks at her nails as though they suddenly became more interesting toexamine. "Can you do that in your room? Better yet, when I'm not around?"

Kousei looks at his teenage daughter."Now Koji, one day you're going to get married and be just as happy as we are."

His said daughter raises an eyebrow."You want me to get married? You do know it requires a dedicated relationship, right?"

"Of course I knew that! You can only date if your fifty years old."

Satomi slapped his shoulder. "Kousei!"

He raises both hands defensively."What? I'm just saying is it'll be a cold day in Hell if I ever let a boy date my baby girl!" He shrinks after hearing his wifeyell his name for letting out a curse. "All right. Forty years old is my final offer! No take backs!"

"Don't worry, Dad", Kojireassures him, "if it makes you feel better, I'm not interested in dating. It's too dramatic." She went to the car and pullsout her luggage and gym bag. She manages to grab hold onto her things until she struggles to carry her box which has her closest things.

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