I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 4

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~Chapter 4~

We await the opening of the doors to the prophecy.

A breeze of cold air make it's way through our being, quickly picking up pace until it forms a miny tornado.

The usual.

Being connected in one body never ceases to feel somewhat uncomfortable for me however. I cherish my own personal space, guard my always torturing secrets.

Torturing secrets you'll learn about later.

Anyways, that's why everytime we morph into one, my mind always sub-conciously creates a wall keeping my mind seperate from the others. The miny tornado picks up speed and wind, slowly laying out an almost invisible path on the ground.

The scroll in which the prophecy was written on is laid out. Long, elegent...ancient. Ayan Qani and Hodan Qani, Guradians of the Scroll, stand on either side. "We have some terrible news for you Keepers of the Earth," says Ayan, her voice thick with sorrow. Hodan nods, equally miserable. "When you seperate with Luke's Forever Light, the Dark Four will be waiting."

Blaze closes his eyes, well, OUR eyes, in order to figure out when they'll arrive. Ayan holds up a hand, "don't bother Blaze. I've already tried. I don't know when." His feeling of complete frustration rocked throughout our body, causing Will and I to giggle. Will's spirit slides closer to Blaze's pissed off spirit, and whispers in his ear. "Looks like you can't save the day today hero." Instead of feeling even more pissed, he feels...feels...pleased at her comment.

Turned on.

How strange.

Luke nudges the rest of us back into concentration. Our spirits stop messing around and stand up straight to listen. "Come", Hodan commands. We function our legs to move...count on Luke to want to scratch our nose just then, the moron. Our body falls down flat on our combined faces. I can't help it, I giggle again. Luke, trying to defend his stupid clumsiness, exclaims. "Hey! You KNOW Selena that I'm allergic to erm...dust!" "Idiot", I snort.

"Concentrate," Ayan shreiks rather loudly. Hodan rolls her eyes, "There is nothing more to tell them Ayan.Take care, good luck. Remember, the Dark Four WILL strike. Now, disconnect. Move!" Ayan and Hodan wave us away.

An earthquake shakes through us. Our connecton is broken, and the next thing you know, all four of us are flung through the pitch black night sky. You'd think by now I'd get used to falling flat on my ass every now and then.

Guess again.

I mutter inaudible cuss words under my breath as I try to get myself out of the pond I created awhile ago which I happened to land into.


I hear a groan quickly followed by a scream of agony peirce the cold air. Screams that tear me into millions of peices. Screams that are filled with years of concealed pain. I run, my brain not even functioning well enough to order me to fly, to the source of the sounds. I see Luke sprinting behind me, right at my heels. We get there....

I no longer want to live.

Will's body appears lifeless on the ground, blackened, burnt beyond recognition. Bent over her is Blaze, screaming. His screams fill that space of time entrapped nothingness. "Oh no", I hear him moan over and over as he tries to revive her. Each moan a stab in the heart. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." The tears streaming down his face leaves tracks trailing across her body. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Will! No! Don't leave me!"

Luke appears to be battling a war within him. A war he seems to be losing. The pain etched on his face looks like the expression of the already dead. I take one more glance at my best friend's, my sister, the last peice to my broken puzzle, and hold back a bloodcurdling scream.

Someone please kill me.



We left our feild carrying Will's dishevelled body. Selena and I gave up. We believed that if Will's mother wasn't there, it was all over. However Blaze, wouldn't...couldn't give up. He threatned to kill us numerous times whenever he'd see the look of loss on Selena and my face. In fact, he even burned my thigh and Selena's knee. He swore he'd burn us completely if we lost hope for but a second.

Stupid narcissistic asshole.

We arrived at Will's place last night where Blaze burned us yet again when he saw Selena and I praying that Mrs.Martin is home.

Did I already mention what a douche Blaze is?

Luckily, Will's mom arrived early from her business meeting in Cario and was waiting at home for her daughter; there even before we arrived.

I don't reckon she was expecting what we brought her.

Mrs.Martin grabbed Will and rushed her to their living room. With the help of Blaze, they spent hours reviving her.

Now back to the present shall we. We're still at Will's apartment where we camped out in her living room. Mrs.Martin, Thank God, who was a previous Keeper of the Earth is healing her. She's already laughing and cracking jokes that strong freakish Willow of mine. Right now however, she's blatantly complaining the potion her Mom wants to apply on her. Cream that stings 10,000 times worse than alcohol to remove the buns. Blaze leans over her, begging her to "just use it." Suprisingly, she listens and Mrs.Martin, pleased, applies the cream despite Will's protesting cries which Blaze is able to keep down to a minimum.

Speaking of Blaze, he never left Will's side for even a minute. Weird, I mean, we're talking about BLAZE here.

Mr. Cynical Bastard.

It's mid-afternoon now, 5-ish to be exact, and Blaze hasn't even had a wink of sleep. He doesn't seem to care. Did I already mention how unlike Blaze that is? He's the guy that practically bites my head off whenever I wake him up for school in the morning. Damn idiot should be happy that we're neighbors, or he'd probably be expelled for being late every morning. Selena is out shopping for groceries in order to prepare what she claims will be, "the biggest dinner in the history of huge ass dinners." Damn. I get hungry even thinking about it. I'm not going to be anywhere but Will's kitchen come 8:00.

And what am I, Luciano Fernedaz doing?

Heading to his girlfriend's house.

His secret girlfriend's house.

My girlfriend who just so happens to be a member of the Dark Four.

I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universeWhere stories live. Discover now