I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 9

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~Chapter 9~

Storm rasies his hands once again as a swirl of fire is set under his feet, "ah, what a loss of a good recuit," and with that, he disappears.

I have to get out.

I have to protect the Keepers of the Earth.

I have to spend the rest of my life in the arms of Will.

And then, and then...

I can't fight it any longer.

I'm lost in the white.


I'm whistling a tune to myself while I take out the double chocolate cake from the oven. The main meal, lasagne and bbq chicken is done and now all that's left is the dessert. I look on at the chaos I've brought forth to Will's kitchen and find myself giggling. It'll so be worth it once they've eaten everything I've made from scratch in the past couple of hours. They'll be happy. My friends deserve happiness. I decide to clean up and I'm off in the direction of the sink where a truckload of dishes await.

My hands are deep sea diving under water and soap and remains of food but mostly sauce I notice. I've already cleaned the countertops until I could see my reflection, and the floor looks like an ice rink when the ice is being cleaned. A day in the life of Selena Yang. On that reflection like floor, I suddenly see a little child running around shouting "Mommy! I love you!" I grin, but then I quickly find myself fighting back tears. I'd be an amazing mother. Too bad I am. Well, was. And then as I stare into the somewhat dirty water, I find myself turning back the wheels of time to when I was fourteen.


I wake up and rub my eyes, trying to decphier my surroundings. It takes me a couple of minutes to realize where I am and I leap out of bed, screaming in joy at the top of my voice. I'm in summer camp! Writing summer camp! Here I'm free to write and write and not have anyone say a damn thing! Suddenly I'm running in circles around my little cabin, my cabin partner on the top bunck groans and sinks deeper into her sheets. "Get up Karol! Rise and Shine! Today it's time to WRITE!" And on that note I throw on a dress and rush out the front door.

I bang the door close and rush to....I don't know where. But I know I'm running away to my own type of freedom. And whilst running away to freedom, luck apparently wants to run to me as well because when I fall, I fall onto golden beauty.

I fall onto him.

He laughs and dusts himself off. He extends a hand towards me and in a confused daze I accept his hand. His grasp is firm, his shake strong. Confident....in control. We're eye to eye and I find myself drowing in his blue flecked with green ocean of....mystery. I laugh at my poetic analogies and smile at him. He smiles back, "sorry to bump into you like this, except I do consider myself quite lucky." I look at him in wonder, "erm, lucky because?" He shrugs, "It's not everyday one runs into someone so gorgeous."


"What's your name?" I look at him and grin, "I'm Selena Yang, great to be of your aquatintence."

And thus the beginning of my summer romance.

Within a week we're "the" couple of our camp. All the girls want him, they give me looks with every touch he gives me. With every touch I shiver, when he releases his hand the tingling lingers.


I dream of his face and his face alone when I close my eyes. Want to see his face in the morning when the rays creep through the blinds.


It's strange for me to have feelings like these.

We go everywhere together, in the night we head off to the lake and

I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universeWhere stories live. Discover now